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Opposition accuses PM of siding with Putin

Friday, March 7th, 2014

A former Socialist MEP calls on opposition parties to focus on their social and political messages in the campaign, rather than on raising fears about Russian expansionism. Such language does not suit them, he warns, and is also counterproductive. READ MORE

Ukraine echos

Tuesday, March 4th, 2014

Left-wing commentators view the gaping rift between Russia and the West over Ukraine with apprehension. Népszabadság refrains from criticising the cautious stance adopted by the government, while Népszava suspects that the government’s attitude may be influenced by the recently concluded credit-line agreement to finance the two new nuclear power stations Russia’s Rossatom will build in Hungary. READ MORE

Accusations of electoral and media manipulation in the campaign

Monday, March 3rd, 2014

A left-wing commentator accuses the government of manipulating the election through gerrymandering and domination of the media. A columnist in the leading left-wing daily contends that the public media distorts even reports on events on Ukraine in order to save PM Orbán’s face. A pro-government pundit, on the other hand, accuses former PM Gyurcsány of having manipulated the 2006 elections. READ MORE

Ukraine in the cross-hairs

Thursday, February 27th, 2014

Pundits across the political spectrum ponder the fate and future of crisis ridden Ukraine. Left-wing and moderate conservative analysts hope that the EU will help the country down the democratic path, but warn that Russia may try to prevent Ukraine’s European integration. A right-wing daily, on the other hand, cautions against optimism and fears the plundering of Ukraine by Western investors. A centrist blogger proposes federalization as an alternative to break-up. READ MORE

Beyond-border Hungarians and the Ukraine conflict

Monday, February 24th, 2014

Correspondents on the sport tend to get carried away by the revolt in the Ukraine, but analysts in Hungary are worried about potential negative conseuqences as to the plight of the Hungarian ethnic minority there. READ MORE

Echos of Ukraine crisis

Thursday, February 20th, 2014

A pro-government analyst says the EU should beware of violent protesters and work with Russia to establish peace. A liberal commentator finds similarities between Putin’s stance towards Ukraine and the Paks nuclear plant loan. A centrist pundit fears a wave of refugees across the Ukranian-Hungarian border. READ MORE

Ruminations on the Ukraine protests

Wednesday, December 4th, 2013

A left-wing columnist speculates that the likelihood of the reopening of talks between the EU and Ukraine is diminishing. Conservative commentators doubt if the Ukrainian opposition parties are really committed to the values of the European Union or even if the EU-bid would serve the country’s interests. READ MORE

Right-wing analyst critical of planned sanctions against Ukraine

Tuesday, September 25th, 2012

Magyar Nemzet cautions the west against imposing sanctions on Ukraine. He believes punishing the Ukrainians would be unjust and could backfire. READ MORE