Saturday, February 3rd, 2018
A veteran left-wing columnist criticises both George Soros and DK leader Ferenc Gyurcsány, for accusing unspecified left-wing personalities of conniving with the incumbent government. READ MORE
Monday, January 29th, 2018
A left-wing blogger dismisses and sharply criticizes remarks by George Soros that Prime Minister Orbán has ‘bought up’ the opposition parties, and for suggesting that the Left has little chance of winning the April election. READ MORE
Saturday, January 27th, 2018
A pro-government columnist calls for tougher measures against NGOs who help migrants, as the top European court rules against the psychological testing of asylum seekers who seek protection on the grounds of being victims of homophobic persecution. READ MORE
Saturday, January 20th, 2018
Commentators are sharply divided on the package of bills to be introduced against organisations found guilty of ‘helping illegal immigration.’ READ MORE
Friday, December 22nd, 2017
A left-wing columnist lambasts Israel for supporting the right-wing Hungarian government in its effort to delegitimise George Soros and the NGOs sponsored by him. READ MORE
Thursday, November 30th, 2017
As the National Bureau of Investigation sees no reason to launch an inquiry into the activities of George Soros, a pro-government pundit criticises Jobbik for taking up the defence of the Hungarian-American billionaire. A conservative liberal columnist, on the other hand, accuses the government of creating an alternative reality of conspiracy theories. READ MORE
Friday, November 24th, 2017
An independent conservative columnist thinks that the campaign to be launched by the Open Society Foundations to rebuke charges against their founder will play into the government’s hands. READ MORE
Wednesday, November 22nd, 2017
A left-wing columnist accepts Mr Soros’s claim that the charges levelled against him are untrue and complains about the success of lies in politics. Her pro-government counterpart rejects Mr Soros’s view that PM Orbán is running a mafia-state and calls him a mafioso. READ MORE
Friday, November 17th, 2017
A conservative columnist in the leading pro-government daily interprets the latest offshore account revelations as proof that Western elites use offshore tax havens to circumvent nation states and that some even use their tax gains against nation states. READ MORE
Monday, October 9th, 2017
Pundits express sharply contrasting views on the government’s ‘national consultation’ on migration. One side sees it as a propaganda project based on lies, while the other considers the campaign an expression of self-defence against pressure from global elites. READ MORE