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Obama accuses Hungary of clamping down on civil society

Friday, September 26th, 2014

After President Obama mentioned Hungary alongside Egypt as a county which intimidates NGOs, Népszabadság warns that those remarks were only the beginning and the worst is still ahead. Heti Válasz believes that the NGOs concerned are in reality liberal political activists, but condemns demonstrations of force against them. READ MORE

George Soros is accused of financing Gyurcsány

Tuesday, November 5th, 2013

A right-wing daily thinks that the commission given to a company founded by Mr Gyurcsány shows that Gordon Bajnai has fallen out of favour with left-liberal circles. READ MORE

Magyar Hírlap bets on Bajnai

Tuesday, April 23rd, 2013

The leading commentator of the right-wing daily is convinced that the duel between Gordon Bajnai and Attila Mesterházy is a sham and that ultimately the former will be the left-wing contender for the post of Prime Minister next year. READ MORE

In need of true Europeans

Friday, August 19th, 2011

The nation state cannot provide a refuge from the global debt crisis, warns George Soros. The Hungarian-born American investor says European economies can only be saved through further integration and centralization. Soros advocates progressive taxation for economic and social reasons. READ MORE