Saturday, August 2nd, 2014
Western Ukrainians, including ethnic Hungarians, refuse to fight in eastern Ukraine, and thus the war against the ethnic Russian insurgency cannot be won, an analyst born and raised in western Ukraine predicts.READ MORE
Tuesday, July 1st, 2014
Columnists on both the left and the right project the lessons of World War I onto current events, and warn that defiant and unyielding geopolitics may trigger a chain reaction that cannot be contained.
Monday, June 30th, 2014
A leading pro-government commentator takes up the defence of the agreement on two new nuclear blocks to be built by Russia’s Rosatom at Paks, as an extension to Hungary’s existing atomic power station. He argues that the project will not plunge Hungary into unmanageable debt. Another conservative analyst agrees that there is no other solution to guarantee the country’s long term energy supply. READ MORE
Tuesday, May 20th, 2014
As a Jobbik MEP stands accused of being a Russian spy, a left-wing philosopher accuses the government of using the state apparatus – including the secret service – to criminalize the opposition. A pro-government columnist dismisses the left-wing accusations. READ MORE
Tuesday, May 6th, 2014
Political commentators fear the return of 20th century power struggles and the Cold War, as Ukraine drifts towards the abyss. READ MORE
Wednesday, March 19th, 2014
Left-wing and conservative columnists agree that the West cannot stop Russia from annexing the breakaway peninsula. They note that having recognized Kosovo as an independent state the West cannot consistently defend the principle of territorial integrity. READ MORE
Tuesday, March 11th, 2014
A pro-government daily accuses left-liberals of overlooking ultranationalist threats to ethnic Hungarians in Ukraine and blindly supporting the power games of oligarchs. A liberal commentator who lives in Ukraine says Hungarians there want to stay out of the conflict because they have nothing to gain from it. READ MORE
Friday, March 7th, 2014
A former Socialist MEP calls on opposition parties to focus on their social and political messages in the campaign, rather than on raising fears about Russian expansionism. Such language does not suit them, he warns, and is also counterproductive. READ MORE
Tuesday, March 4th, 2014
Left-wing commentators view the gaping rift between Russia and the West over Ukraine with apprehension. Népszabadság refrains from criticising the cautious stance adopted by the government, while Népszava suspects that the government’s attitude may be influenced by the recently concluded credit-line agreement to finance the two new nuclear power stations Russia’s Rossatom will build in Hungary. READ MORE
Thursday, February 27th, 2014
Pundits across the political spectrum ponder the fate and future of crisis ridden Ukraine. Left-wing and moderate conservative analysts hope that the EU will help the country down the democratic path, but warn that Russia may try to prevent Ukraine’s European integration. A right-wing daily, on the other hand, cautions against optimism and fears the plundering of Ukraine by Western investors. A centrist blogger proposes federalization as an alternative to break-up. READ MORE