National sovereignty in focus
Monday, December 8th, 2014Left-wing analysts accuse the government of dismissing every internal and external criticism of its work as an attempt to curb Hungarian national sovereignty. A right-wing columnist claims that Hungarians have a very negative image of the US and the EU. READ MORE
Has shale gas put an end to Eastern opening?
Saturday, December 6th, 2014Putin scraps South Stream pipeline project
Thursday, December 4th, 2014Commentators on both the left and the right agree that Moscow’s decision to scrap the South Stream pipeline project will weaken Europe and Hungary in terms of safe energy supply. READ MORE
Angela Merkel to visit Budapest
Wednesday, December 3rd, 2014Commenting on Angela Merkel’s announced visit to Budapest, a left-wing columnist suggests that the German chancellor wants to pressurise PM Orbán to abandon what he calls his pro-Russian course. A conservative commentator believes that the German chancellor understands Hungary’s position. READ MORE
PM Orbán on relations with NATO and Russia
Saturday, November 22nd, 2014A left-wing commentator accuses the PM of conducting a ’seesaw’ policy between the West and Russia. He even goes so far as suggesting that Mr Orbán’s policy is prompted by Moscow. READ MORE
Socialist candidate’s KGB certificate
Tuesday, November 11th, 2014A liberal columnist finds it highly problematic that the Socialists support a candidate with past KGB affiliation in a parliamentary by-election scheduled for the end of November. READ MORE
US pressure on Hungary is here to stay
Monday, November 10th, 2014Analysts agree that the American pressure on Hungary is largely motivated by geopolitical considerations and is bound to increase unless the government makes resolute concessions. They admit however that it is difficult for Hungary’s leaders to retreat from positions they have vehemently defended so far. READ MORE
Hungary’s foreign policy in focus
Monday, November 3rd, 2014A liberal columnist contends that the US is pressurizing Hungary in order to protect its own geopolitical interests. Centrist and liberal conservative commentators warn of the consequences of diplomatic isolation and call for reconciliation with the US and the EU. A liberal weekly speculates that PM Orbán is already on his way out of the EU and NATO. READ MORE
America wants policy change in Hungary
Monday, October 27th, 2014Commentators across the political spectrum agree that the United States wants Hungary to reverse the political course it has been following for the past few years. All place the recent American entry ban imposed on six Hungarian personalities suspected of corruption in this context. But they disagree on who is right and who is wrong in this dispute. READ MORE