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77th anniversary of the Disaster on the Don

Tuesday, January 14th, 2020

A pro-government author describes the soldiers of both Hungary and the Soviet Union who fell in the Second World War as ordinary citizens who had no choice but to fight far from their homelands. READ MORE

PM Orbán defends Russia ties at press conference with Putin

Friday, November 1st, 2019

In the wake of President Putin’s visit to Budapest, commentators express diametrically opposed views on the meaning of Hungary’s co-operation with Russia. READ MORE

Attempt at an impartial portrait of Putin

Thursday, August 29th, 2019

An author in the main pro-government daily suggests that President Putin’s record is as positive in Russia as it is negative abroad. READ MORE

Hungary promises to keep Russian-controlled bank in check

Friday, August 16th, 2019

A pro-government accuses a left-liberal site of ‘engaging in espionage’ after it reported that PM Orbán promised the US ambassador in private that the Hungarian authorities will not let the Russian-controlled International Investment Bank set up its headquarters in Szabadság Square, opposite the US Embassy. READ MORE

Matteo Salvini was allegedly offered Russian money

Monday, July 15th, 2019

Pro-government commentators attribute the accusations levelled against Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini as an attack on anti-immigration politics. A left-wing pundit believes Russia supports radical right-wing politicians to achieve geopolitical objectives. READ MORE

Hungary in the front line of energy supply competition

Tuesday, April 30th, 2019

A liberal commentator points out that Hungary has become less dependent on Russian gas imports, and its energy security may improve further if new pipelines are built in Europe. READ MORE

Russian collusion charges rejected as selective

Saturday, April 13th, 2019

A pro-government columnist finds the charges of collusion with Russia, which have been levelled against critics of the liberal mainstream, as both ungrounded and selective. READ MORE

Details of 2007 espionage case released

Friday, April 5th, 2019

After the publication of details of the 2007 espionage scandal in which Russian FSB agents had access to sensitive information on Hungarian secret agencies, a pro-government commentator finds it peculiar that politicians who in 2007 compromised Hungary’s security now accuse the government of serving Russian interests. READ MORE

President Trump ‘exonerated’

Saturday, March 30th, 2019

A pro-government columnist welcomes the outcome of the Muller investigation and believes that the accusation of ’Russian collusion’ against President Trump will backfire and may help him in his re-election bid. READ MORE

Mike Pompeo’s visit to Budapest

Wednesday, February 13th, 2019

The left-wing nationwide daily reports that Hungary has soothed Washington’s concerns over Russian and Chinese ‘penetration’ with promises to boost economic and military cooperation with the United States. READ MORE