Pros and cons two days before the referendum
Saturday, October 1st, 2016Commentators don’t even agree on whether the question to be put to the population at Sunday’s quota referendum makes sense or not, or what it is actually about. READ MORE
Commentators don’t even agree on whether the question to be put to the population at Sunday’s quota referendum makes sense or not, or what it is actually about. READ MORE
A left-wing analyst believes Jobbik leader Gábor V
A Roma rights activist accuses the government of trying to blackmail Roma to vote at the quota referendum, whilst using anti-Romani stereotypes to mobilize non-Roma. A regional Gypsy leader, on the other hand argues that the arrival of masses of migrants would represent a threat to Roma communities. READ MORE
Commentators disagree on Prime Minister Orbán’s diagnosis that after last Friday’s meeting in the Slovak capital, the EU’s position on illegal immigration remained basically unaltered, as leaders spoke much more about migrant resettlement than about the protection of Europe’s borders. READ MORE
Although polls consistently show that a majority of voters plan to take part, a commentator who is critical of the government still sees a slight chance that the 2 October referendum on migrant quotas might yet be invalid. READ MORE
Commentators agree that our lives will never be the same as they were before 2001, but disagree on PM Orbán’s speech on the anniversary. READ MORE
Analysts across the political spectrum ponder the potential implications of the 2 October migrant quota referendum for Hungarian domestic politics and the European Union. READ MORE
Commentators still find plenty of food for thought and irony in MSZP Chairman Gyula Molnár’s announcement that he is ready to support the government in rejecting compulsory quotas, while asking Socialist voters to boycott the referendum. READ MORE
Following a statementby the Chairman of the Socialist Party who said he was ready to back the government in rejecting compulsory migrant quotas, commentators wonder what the position of the left-wing opposition is – just one month before the quota referendum. READ MORE
An independent conservative analyst explains why, although he regards himself as a critic of the government, he will turn out and cast a no vote at the referendum on migration quotas scheduled for early October. He argues that our established humanistic consensus cannot hold in an era of mass immigration. READ MORE