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Jobbik politician envisions Roma-Hungarian civil war

Monday, April 30th, 2012

A left-wing commentator thinks the government majority is the only beneficiary of the latest far-right scandal. A pro-government columnist, on the other hand, suggests that alarmism is promoted by the radical right and opposition parties alike. READ MORE

Is it PC to shake hands with Jobbik?

Tuesday, September 27th, 2011

Népszabadság caught LMP leader András Schiffer chatting with Jobbik chairman Gábor Vona in the MPs’ office building and finds the scene unacceptable. Mandiner’s blogger, on the other hand, expects civilised behaviour from MPs towards one another, regardless of their political affiliations. READ MORE

Row over nation-bashing

Wednesday, September 7th, 2011

Right-wing commentators sharply condemn a socialist writer for his bitter words about the Hungarian people as a whole. A left-wing commentator agrees with them, but mainly because the left-wing writer plays into the hands of the worst right-wingers.


Racist offence overlooked

Thursday, August 25th, 2011

A left wing commentator is outraged by the decision of a prosecutor to drop all charges levelled against a policeman for joining a group of men who beat up a young Gypsy in a pub. READ MORE

From Oslo to Budapest

Monday, August 1st, 2011

Commentators on both sides of the political battlefield believe equally that Hungary must learn its lesson from what happened in Oslo on July 22. But they differ on what that lesson should be. READ MORE