Tuesday, February 21st, 2023
The Prime Minister’s annual address to his faithful supporters on Saturday is seen as full of contradictions by a left-wing pundit, while a pro-government commentator describes it as reassuring in an uncertain world. READ MORE
Tuesday, November 15th, 2022
A liberal analyst believes that rumours about Ukraine’s neighbours intending to chop off Ukrainian territories originate from Moscow. READ MORE
Thursday, October 20th, 2022
The leading pro-government daily describes as ’scandalous’ the US embassy reaction to ‘anti-American remarks’ by government and government-funded commentators. Meanwhile, a pro-government TV Station ’responds in kind’. READ MORE
Thursday, October 13th, 2022
Right-wing commentators accuse the West in general and European leaders in particular of ignoring geopolitical realities as well as their own national interests by refusing to compromise with Russia. READ MORE
Friday, September 23rd, 2022
While both a left-wing and a conservative author read the ‘partial mobilisation’ announced by Russian President Putin as proof of Russian failure in Ukraine, the main pro-government daily blames the United States for the war. READ MORE
Monday, September 12th, 2022
According to two opinion polls, Hungarians have negative views about Putin as well as Zelensky, but they are also becoming less satisfied with the Hungarian government’s response to the Ukraine war. READ MORE
Wednesday, May 11th, 2022
A conservative commentator dismisses Russian President Putin’s Victory Day speech, as a collection of ‘big fat ideological lies’ aimed at sustaining the ‘phantasm’ of a just war in Ukraine – to motivate those Russians who still believe it. READ MORE
Monday, March 14th, 2022
Two pro-government outlets devote their weekly editorials to the selfless assistance Hungarians are offering to Ukrainian refugees, while their opposition-leaning counterparts accuse the government of failing to condemn Russia unequivocally and ponder the impact of the war on the elections to be held in three weeks’ time. READ MORE
Monday, February 28th, 2022
The weeklies went to print before the Russian onslaught on Ukraine began in the early hours of Thursday, but they already offered comments on the prospect of a Russian invasion of at least part of Hungary’s eastern neighbour. READ MORE
Thursday, February 24th, 2022
As the EU imposes another round of sanctions in response to Russia’s moves in eastern Ukraine, commentators try to make sense of what they see as a partial revival of the Cold War. READ MORE