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Churchill’s statue defaced in Budapest

Friday, June 19th, 2020

A Fidesz MEP says that pulling down statues to rewrite history is a communist practice. An opposition politician sees the current wave of attacks on statues in the West as more complex an issue than the MEP suggests. An independent author maintains that the West didn’t invent slavery and colonialism but put an end to them. READ MORE

Protests against Overtime Act continue

Tuesday, January 8th, 2019

Both a left-wing and a pro-government commentator think that the conflict between the government and the opposition demonstrators is likely to escalate. READ MORE

Weeklies on the anti-government demonstrations

Monday, December 24th, 2018

While the two bills that sparked passionate anti-government demonstrations were signed into law by President Áder who then became the target of this year’s last protest rally, nationwide weeklies try to put the December protest into perspective. READ MORE

Overtime Bill protest still in the news

Saturday, December 15th, 2018

The second day of occasionally violent street protests in Budapest have prompted extremely harsh comments to politically committed columnists. A pro-government commentator likens anti-government protesters to pests. A left-wing columnist speculates whether the government will introduce dictatorial rule to stop demonstrators. READ MORE

Parliament approves Overtime Bill

Friday, December 14th, 2018

Interpreting Wednesday’s street disturbances after the vote on the Overtime Bill, pro-government commentators accuse the opposition of violating democratic norms, while a left-wing and a liberal columnist think that extra-Parliamentary action is necessary for the opposition to challenge the government. READ MORE

Demonstration planned against the Overtime Bill

Friday, December 7th, 2018

An alt-left columnist urges his readers to attend Saturday’s march against the planned extension of overtime limits and criticises Socialist leaders who compare themselves to the French yellow vest movement. READ MORE

Left-wing opposition protests against government

Wednesday, September 19th, 2018

A pro-government commentator accuses left-wing parties that supported the recent resolution of the European Parliament to punish Hungary, of treason. An alt-left blogger thinks that the Left’s call for demonstrations is futile and even counterproductive. READ MORE

Conservative recommendations for the opposition

Monday, May 14th, 2018

Two conservative columnists call on the opposition to stop futile street protests, and start doing their homework in Parliament. READ MORE

Prospects of the Left

Wednesday, April 18th, 2018

A left-wing columnist suggests that the Left should reorganize itself from the grassroots – rather than through the existing political parties, if it ever intends to successfully challenge the government. READ MORE

Anti-government protest in Budapest

Tuesday, April 17th, 2018

A left-wing commentator thinks that Saturday’s rally showed the determination of opposition voters to stand up to Fidesz. A pro-government columnist finds opposition calls for a new election absurd. READ MORE