Thursday, December 8th, 2016
Népszava carries an angry reaction to parallel proposals from the Socialists and Jobbik which would allow men to retire after 40 or 41 years of service. The 40 year rule was introduced for women at the proposal of the Christian Democratic Party in 2010. READ MORE
Friday, December 2nd, 2016
A pro-government columnist welcomes the Prime Minister’s decision to increase pensions. A left-wing commentator, on the other hand, accuses the government of vote hunting. READ MORE
Tuesday, November 10th, 2015
A left-wing commentator ponders the implications of recent demographic trends, and finds it unlikely that Hungarians could work or save more in order to compensate for the increasing ratio of dependants. READ MORE
Saturday, August 15th, 2015
A left-wing commentator disagrees with the idea that men, like women, should be allowed to retire after 40 years of fixed employment and contributions.
Tuesday, July 21st, 2015
A conservative columnist thinks that Hungary has no choice but to raise the retirement age, otherwise the pension system will become insolvent. READ MORE
Tuesday, April 9th, 2013
A left-wing paper and an independent liberal commentator both excoriate the government for going back on its promise to create individual retirement accounts for those citizens who transferred their compulsory retirement savings to the national social security system. READ MORE
Tuesday, February 5th, 2013
A right-wing economist suggests that in order to make the pension system balanced for the foreseeable future, Hungary should return to traditional family-based solidarity. A conservative blogger believes that a wide public debate should be initiated about the future of the pension system. READ MORE
Friday, December 28th, 2012
A conservative liberal blogger looking back on the past year contends that despite efforts aimed at a wholesale reform, the government has failed to discontinue some unfortunate practices. READ MORE
Friday, August 3rd, 2012
A left-wing and a centrist commentator accuse the government of not fulfilling its promise to introduce individual accounts into the state pension system. The promise was made two years ago, at the time of what critics called the factual nationalization of the compulsory private pension savings. READ MORE
Saturday, May 12th, 2012
A left-wing daily believes that the government’s plans to stimulate birth rates by helping mothers get back to work and retire earlier will prove ineffective. It suggests that instead of helping middle class families, the government should focus rather on the poor in order to improve Hungary’s disastrous demographic lull. READ MORE