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Rising electricity prices may make Paks 2 profitable

Wednesday, November 7th, 2018

A business analyst who has been sceptical until now of the government’s maths on the financial viability of the new nuclear blocks to be built at Paks, now believes that the project might become profitable as a result of the unexpected but steady rise in international electricity prices. Construction is due to begin this year. READ MORE

Hungary repays first Paks loan installment

Saturday, February 10th, 2018

A left-wing columnist lambasts the government after it was announced that the first Paks loan drawdown has been repaid. A liberal pundit, on the other hand, claims that the government’s decision is reasonable, and that the Russian loan may at some point become a favorable option for Hungary again. READ MORE

PM Orbán’s visit to Vienna

Friday, February 2nd, 2018

Pro-government commentators argue that Hungary has won a valuable ally in the new Austrian government in its feud with Brussels, while an alt-left blogger thinks the Prime Minister will leave Hungarian guest-workers in the lurch as Austria plans to cut their family allowances. READ MORE

A left-liberal diatribe against the opposition

Saturday, September 9th, 2017

A leading left-liberal commentator accuses left-wing parties of sharing responsibility for ‘setting Fidesz rule in concrete’. READ MORE

President Putin in Budapest

Wednesday, August 30th, 2017

Commenting on the Russian President’s short visit to Hungary, a left-wing columnist fears that the government wants to make Hungary part of the illiberal East. A conservative and a centrist pundit dismiss such fears, but also caution against too strong ties with Russia. READ MORE

Brussels gives green light to the Paks II project

Wednesday, March 8th, 2017

A pro-government columnist hopes that the Paks nuclear plant project will not be submitted to a referendum. A left-wing commentator finds it sad that the Left, which initially was in favour of the new plant, now uses it for ‘fear mongering’. READ MORE

Paks II project defended

Tuesday, February 28th, 2017

A pro-government author dismisses objections by environmentalists to Hungary’s nuclear power station project and suggests that the two new reactors will be financially viable and will not leave Hungary dependent on Russia. READ MORE

Viktor Orbán’s visit to Moscow

Friday, February 19th, 2016

Commenting on PM Orbán’s meeting with Russian President Putin, left-wing analysts suspect that Putin wants to use Hungarian support to lift EU sanctions. Pro-government columnists, on the other hand, think that PM Orbán pursued pragmatic Hungarian interests in Moscow. READ MORE

Is Paks extension not urgent anymore?

Saturday, February 6th, 2016

Twelve days before Prime Minister Victor Orbán’s visit to Moscow, a left-wing commentator suspects that both governments may have reasons to slow down the preparations for the planned extension of Hungary’s nuclear power station. READ MORE

Another Brussels blow looming over the Paks project

Saturday, November 21st, 2015

While the government prepares its answers to the objections raised by the European Commission, analysts see another and even heavier infringement procedure brewing in Brussels in connection with the extension of Hungary’s nuclear power station. READ MORE