Wednesday, September 14th, 2011
Left-wing commentators accuse Orbán of sending an anti-market message with the six point plan outlined in Parliament on Monday. A pro-government pundit acknowledges the risks of such an unorthodox strategy, but finds the proposals fair and reasonable. READ MORE
Monday, September 12th, 2011
Commentators, including right-wing business analysts, find few kind words for a planned legislation, which would allow individuals who are heavily indebted in foreign currencies to pay off their mortgages at much improved exchange rates. The government’s idea to introduce a new luxury tax is received more kindly, although it will have to be approved by the European Union before it can be implemented. READ MORE
Thursday, September 8th, 2011
Left wing commentators are extremely critical of the measures announced by the Prime Minister and the Economy Minister on Tuesday. The right wing daily Magyar Nemzet reminds readers that it was the previous Socialist governments which ran the country so deeply into debt. READ MORE
Tuesday, September 6th, 2011
The pro-government Magyar Nemzet stresses that the government’s position is stable, despite all the financial difficulties and mistakes which afflict it, while the left-wing Népszabadság believes that PM Viktor Orbán’s meeting last week with (mainly conservative) economists was just a show-case. READ MORE
Saturday, September 3rd, 2011
A pro-government commentator believes that Socialist officials guilty of illegal practices while in government should be jailed, or at least voluntarily withdraw from politics. Left wing analysts don’t believe the latest spy story. READ MORE
Wednesday, August 31st, 2011
In the wake of the prime minister’s announcement of hard times to come, left-wing commentators demand that the government takes a long hard look at its own policies, while right-wing analysts are divided on the necessity of swift policy changes. READ MORE
Wednesday, August 24th, 2011
A pro-government commentator has urged the country’s top leadership to admit the failure of their economic policies, and to put the national economy on an “ultra-liberal” track, to avoid lasting stagnation. READ MORE
Tuesday, August 2nd, 2011
A moderately conservative opinion page carries an unusually angry commentary on US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Thomas O. Melia’s criticism of the direction public affairs are taking in Hungary.
Thursday, July 28th, 2011
PM Orbán Viktor’s speech last Saturday in Transylvania has been harshly criticized by left-wing commentators, most of whom are worried that Orbán is planning to turn Hungary away from the West, in order to strengthen Eastern partnerships. A liberal conservative analyst finds the real problem among left-wing pundits is taking a mistaken quotation for granted without checking the source, and by doing so, distorting Orbán’s message completely. READ MORE
Tuesday, July 26th, 2011
PM Viktor Orbán suggests that Hungary should focus less on the declining West, where sovereign debts have become unmanageable, and concentrate instead on introducing a labour-based economic model, whilst strengthening ties with Central European countries. Pundits ponder the possible implications of the PM’s new vision. READ MORE