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Contrasting views on PM Orbán's Turul statue speech

Wednesday, October 3rd, 2012

Népszabadság criticizes Prime Minister Orbán for unveiling and praising a Turul-sculpture, which the daily considers a nationalistic symbol. According to a pro-government commentator, that criticism shows that the left cannot tolerate feelings of national belonging. READ MORE

Counter terrorist raid mocked and praised

Saturday, September 15th, 2012

A staunch left-wing critic of the Orbán government ridicules the counter terrorism squad for assaulting a university campus and taking a student dressed up as a Jedi knight in custody. But the leading left-wing daily and a pro-government pundit believe that there is nothing funny about the episode. READ MORE

Azeri axe murderer, and confronting the IMF – last week’s lead stories

Monday, September 10th, 2012

The dominant themes in Hungarian politics last week, the extradition of the Azeri murderer and the Prime Minister’s stance on the IMF talks are interpreted along political lines: commentators on the left call Orbán names including “traitor” and “liar”, while the premier’s supporters argue that critics on the left have no national feelings at all. READ MORE

Prime Minister rejects IMF-EU conditions

Saturday, September 8th, 2012

Left-wing dailies accuse Mr Orbán of lying about the harsh conditions the IMF has allegedly set to start negotiations about a standby credit line for Hungary. Pro-government dailies, on the other hand, defend the Prime Minister’s resolve not to give in to IMF dictates and to prepare an alternative proposal. READ MORE

An argument in favour of the PM’s idea of placing half of the banks in Hungarian hands

Saturday, September 1st, 2012

A pro-government analyst approves the Prime Minister’s idea that at least half of Hungary’s banking sector ought to be in Hungarian hands. READ MORE

Government to buy Eon-gas with a view to gas talks with Russia

Wednesday, August 29th, 2012

A pro-government commentator dismisses a comment by Financial Times Deutschland which  brands the government’s endeavour to buy back the German owned main gas supply network as “madness, populism and a return to Goulash-Communism”. READ MORE

PM Orbán wants non-profit utility providers

Saturday, August 25th, 2012

A liberal conservative commentator criticizes PM Orbán’s plan to transform public utilities into non-profit businesses. According to Véleményvezér, the Premier wants to boost his support by opening up a new controversy with the EU. READ MORE

A Gyurcsány-associate on Orbán’s social revolution

Thursday, August 23rd, 2012

Sociologist Tibor Dessewffy, a former advisor to Ferenc Gyurcsány, believes that PM Viktor Orbán”s aim is the complete restructuring of Hungarian society. According to the left-wing pundit, the prime minister is attempting nothing less than a reshuffle of social classes, in order to entrench his power. READ MORE

Conflict over Saint Stephen’s heritage

Tuesday, August 21st, 2012

A right-wing commentator praises the Orbán government for continuing Saint Stephen’s heritage by strengthening the Hungarian state. A left-wing columnist, on the other hand, accuses the government of betraying the legendary Hungarian king’s efforts to modernize the country, by weakening democracy and turning away from the West. READ MORE

Rival interpretations of second quarter economic decline in Hungary

Thursday, August 16th, 2012

The leading left-wing daily claims that worsening economic data may prompt Prime Minister Viktor Orbán to seek tighter control, in order to stave off electoral defeat. The pro-government daily presents the explanation of the Ministry of National Economy, according to which Hungary is doing better than some European neighbours. READ MORE