Wednesday, August 13th, 2014
A conservative writes that those who whistled during the Prime Minister’s speech at the opening ceremony of the new Ferencváros stadium can only make news for a few days, while the stadium is a long term investment. READ MORE
Monday, August 4th, 2014
In their comments on the Prime Minister’s speech in Baile Tusnad (Tusnádfürdő) on July 26th, left-liberal weeklies accuse Viktor Orbán of openly opting for dictatorship instead of western democracy. Pro-government analysts retort that the speech has been distorted by the left. READ MORE
Wednesday, July 30th, 2014
The press and the internet are literally aflame with passionate comments on the Prime Minister’s announcement that he is about to build an “illiberal state”, since liberal democracy is in decline, as a result of the financial crisis of 2008. READ MORE
Tuesday, July 29th, 2014
Analysing the Prime Minister’s speech on Saturday at the Fidesz sponsored traditional summer “free university” in Transylvania, commentators disagree on whether Mr Orbán has opted for an authoritarian model of government or just intends to increase the role of the government in promoting growth and competitiveness. READ MORE
Saturday, July 19th, 2014
The stepdaughter of a former Socialist Prime Minister lambasts journalists for “ruining a young man’s dream”, as the media buzzes with comments on the younger Orbán’s presence at his father’s side in the VIP box of the Maracana Stadium in Rio de Janeiro, watching the World Cup final. READ MORE
Thursday, July 17th, 2014
Left-wing commentators suggest that PM Orbán’s opposition to Mr Juncker’s candidacy was futile, while a leading Christian Democrat hopes that despite signs to the contrary, Juncker will choose the path of renewal and save the European Union.
Monday, July 7th, 2014
As Parliament passes the law on foreign currency loans and PM Orbán announces a new era of ’fair banks’, the leading left-wing daily calls for an era of fair politics. A conservative columnist on the other hand, welcomes the idea of a more regulated financial system that would be more in line with national interests. READ MORE
Monday, June 30th, 2014
A left wing daily claims Cameron and Orbán could not understand the way the Union works and gained nothing by opposing Juncker, but while Great Britain is still an important partner for Angela Merkel, Hungary cannot expect such attention. A pro-government daily examines the domestic motives behind Cameron’s stance and says even by losing, he achieved victory in the home arena. The same can be said of Viktor Orbán, he suggests, who must stick to his “freedom fight” not to lose face among Fidesz supporters.
Thursday, June 19th, 2014
Columnists are divided about the PM’s latest remarks on the candidacy of Jean-Claude Juncker to the presidency of the European Commission. READ MORE
Tuesday, June 17th, 2014
As Hungary commemorates the 1989 reburial of Prime Minister Imre Nagy and his colleagues executed following the Revolution of 1956, political commentators try to trace the contemporary relevance of this event, strictly in line with their current political affiliations. READ MORE