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PM Cameron’s visit to Hungary

Saturday, January 9th, 2016

Commenting on the meeting of the two prime ministers, a left-wing columnist cautions against hoping that the UK and Hungary are becoming strategic allies in reforming the EU. A conservative commentator dares to believe that Hungary can become an important player in revamping the Union. READ MORE

2015 – Viktor Orbán’s year

Monday, January 4th, 2016

In their assessment of last year’s developments, commentators focus on Prime Minister Orbán’s performance – for better or for worse. They recall that the Prime Minister was identified by more than one international outlet as the ‘man of the year’. READ MORE

PM Orbán — a factor in international politics

Friday, January 1st, 2016

A conservative foreign affairs analyst concedes that Hungary’s Prime Minister has successfully promoted himself as an important factor in European politics, but laments the lack of a consistent foreign policy. READ MORE

PM Orbán has international friends on his side

Monday, December 7th, 2015

Left- and right-wing analysts equally recognise that the Hungarian Prime Minister is not isolated any more with his views on immigration in Europe. They differ however on whether he’s right or wrong and whether his position will ultimately prevail. READ MORE

PM Orbán as a pole of attraction in Europe?

Friday, December 4th, 2015

A conservative columnist quotes international analyses which claim that the Hungarian Prime Minister has an increasing influence throughout Europe. He describes Mr Orbán’s emergence as an international player as an unprecedented phenomenon in Hungarian history. READ MORE

MAZSIHISZ asks PM Orbán for increased protection for Hungarian Jews

Monday, November 30th, 2015

A liberal columnist accuses a leading Hungarian Jewish organization of helping PM Orbán’s anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim politics by requesting the Prime Minister to increase security measures aimed at protecting Hungarian Jews. READ MORE

PM Orbán’s lonely stance on migration seen as vindicated

Monday, November 23rd, 2015

In the light of the Paris terrorist attacks and statements by several European leaders suggesting that they have no reason to revise their migration policies, conservative analysts, whether pro-government or not, suggest that Prime Minister Viktor Orbán was right to argue against unfettered immigration from the start. Opinions diverge however on possible solutions to the problem. READ MORE

Slovenia erects a border fence

Thursday, November 12th, 2015

The leading left-wing daily blames the absences of a common European migration and refugee framework for attempts by individual EU member states to secure their frontiers and keep refugees out in order to avert a humanitarian crisis within their own territories. READ MORE

George Soros blamed for migrant influx

Thursday, November 5th, 2015

A pro-government pundit lambasts the Hungarian American multibillionaire philanthropist whom PM Viktor Orbán named as a possible factor behind the current flow of migrants through the Balkans. A liberal weekly accuses those pushing anti-Soros rhetoric of groundless fear-mongering. READ MORE

The lessons of the Polish elections for Hungary

Thursday, October 29th, 2015

Analysts right across the political spectrum study the Polish Parliamentary elections in search of lessons for Hungarian politics and ponder the prospects of Central European regional cooperation. READ MORE