Thursday, July 6th, 2017
A centrist commentator thinks that a comment by Lajos Bokros, leader of the conservative liberal Modern Hungary Movement, describing Prime Minister Orbán as a ‘fascist’ is counterproductive, and will help the governing party to mobilize its supporters. READ MORE
Wednesday, July 5th, 2017
As Prime Minister Orbán calls for more trade with Turkey and political cooperation with Ankara, writers critical of the government and its supporters disagree on how Hungary can and should relate to an illiberal but geopolitically important state. READ MORE
Tuesday, July 4th, 2017
A left-wing and a pro-government columnist disagree over whether or not the Hungarian Prime Minister’s vision of a Europe of nation states is in line with Helmut Kohl’s legacy. READ MORE
Thursday, June 29th, 2017
The Prime Minister evaluates the 1.7 million answers to the government’s questionnaire as an expression of overwhelming support for his policy of rejecting mass immigration and further supranational European integration, while a left-wing commentator thinks that the questions put to the population were senseless. READ MORE
Tuesday, June 6th, 2017
As George Soros depicts the Orbán government as a ‘mafia state’, government politicians including the premier himself describe the NGOs supported by Mr Soros as ‘a mafia network.’ A pro-government columnist fears that anti-government protesters will soon turn violent. A left-wing commentator, on the other hand, finds the government’s rhetoric frightening. READ MORE
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
As Germany looks into freezing the EU funding of countries that violate the rule of law, a left-wing columnist supposes that the government might quit the EU if no EU funds were forthcoming. A liberal commentator suggests that it is unlikely that such punitive mechanisms will be implemented. READ MORE
Monday, May 29th, 2017
Two critics of the government agree that the resolution adopted by the European Parliament to launch a procedure to investigate whether basic European values are systematically transgressed in Hungary is unlikely to cause serious problems to the government. READ MORE
Saturday, May 27th, 2017
Commentators disagree on PM Orbán’s planned measures aimed at reversing Hungary’s demographic decline within the next decade. READ MORE
Tuesday, May 23rd, 2017
An independent conservative commentator detects a series of inconsistencies in the resolution adopted by the European Parliament on Hungary last week, and believes that it only further fuels domestic government propaganda. READ MORE
Monday, May 15th, 2017
Commentators try to make sense of the bitter campaign which parties have launched, less than 12 months before the next parliamentary elections. The battles rage both across the main political fault line, and within the opposition camp. READ MORE