Monday, August 20th, 2018
A left-wing weekly carries two bitter comments complaining that while Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s party is united and purposeful, no opposition force worthy of that name is in sight. READ MORE
Friday, August 17th, 2018
A political scientist describes the past three decades of Hungarian politics as an incessant struggle between enemies. His main problem is that the struggle is fuelled by hatred.
Tuesday, August 7th, 2018
A left-wing sociologist believes that Mr Orbán’s success is due to the popularity of illiberal populist politics in the wider world READ MORE
Monday, August 6th, 2018
After the ‘recapture’ of HírTV’ by the government side, left-wing commentators paint a bleak picture of the Hungarian media landscape, while a pro-government author lays the blame at the door of the tycoon who lured conservative journalists into his anti-Orbán offensive and then left them in the lurch. READ MORE
Saturday, August 4th, 2018
A left-wing analyst believes the government side was led by an emotional need to recapture HírTV from its critics, while a pro-government commentator excoriates the left-liberal demonstrators who protested against the takeover. READ MORE
Thursday, August 2nd, 2018
A pro-government columnist suggests that Mr Orbán’s proposals on closer Central-European cooperation have been favourably met by Romanian governing circles. READ MORE
Tuesday, July 31st, 2018
Commentators on the two sides of the political-cultural divide provide diametrically opposing interpretations of the Prime Minister’s customary annual address at the Fidesz founded Transylvanian ’Summer University’ (see BudaPost, July 30). READ MORE
Monday, July 30th, 2018
In their first reactions to PM Orbán’s Tusnádfürdő address, liberal and left-wing commentators suggest that Viktor Orbán wants to elevate his illiberal politics to the European stage. Pro-government columnist agree with the Prime Minister that liberal elites need to be replaced. READ MORE
Saturday, July 21st, 2018
A left-wing columnist describes the friendship between Mr Orbán and Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel as an ’infernal game’, while a pro-government reporter underlines the shared stance of the two statesmen against radical Islam. READ MORE
Wednesday, July 18th, 2018
A conservative author thinks the French Foreign Ministry harmed itself by leaking a confidential note in which its ambassador to Budapest suggested a shift in France’s attitude toward the Hungarian Prime Minister. READ MORE