Monday, February 18th, 2019
As PM Orbán and the President of the World Jewish Congress express mutual dismay over the prospect of an electoral alliance between the left-liberal side and Jobbik, commentators reassess the chances of that co-operation. READ MORE
Friday, February 15th, 2019
Left-wing analysts suggest the Prime Minister’s 7 point ’family protection plan’ is aimed at taking back the political initiative, while a pro-government pundit thinks it opens a new paradigm – and not just in Hungary. READ MORE
Tuesday, February 12th, 2019
Pro-government columnists praise the Prime Minister’s cash and loan package incentives to generate what he hopes will be a ‘baby boom’ as an unprecedented effort to overcome demographic decline. Business sites suggest that many details of the plan still have to be worked out. READ MORE
Saturday, February 9th, 2019
Pro-government columnists commenting on the Bratislava summit disagree on whether German Chancellor Merkel has joined the Visegrád leaders in their stance against mass migration to Europe. READ MORE
Friday, January 18th, 2019
A conservative analyst regrets that with Brexit, Hungary is losing an ally in debates within the European Union. She also finds it worrying that Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union will apparently take place in chaotic conditions. READ MORE
Saturday, January 12th, 2019
A pro-government and a left-wing analyst offer diametrically opposed assessments of PM Orbán’s Thursday press conference. One criticises journalists for their hostile questions, while the other complains that the PM’s Office refused entry refused to some critical outlets.
Saturday, January 5th, 2019
An independent conservative pundit disagrees with President Trump whom he accuses of destroying the world order rather than reforming it. READ MORE
Thursday, January 3rd, 2019
A liberal commentator thinks that Prime Minister Orbán botched his chances in 2018 and predicts his fall within eight years, while a pro-government columnist argues that Mr Orbán’s political line is slowly becoming the European mainstream. READ MORE
Tuesday, January 1st, 2019
As the building of the new office of the Prime Minister has been completed in a refurbished former monastery on Castle Hill, opinions diverge on whether that fact symbolises the separation of powers or the PM’s pivotal role in the current political setup. READ MORE
Monday, December 10th, 2018
Left wing commentators consider the departure of the US-accredited degree modules of the Central European University a major defeat for democracy. A conservative analyst remarks that the West does not seem too concerned. READ MORE