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Opposition refuses accelerated vote on emergency extension

Wednesday, March 25th, 2020

Opposition refuses accelerated vote on emergency extension

A pro-government columnist accuses the opposition of using Monday’s parliamentary session to smear the Prime Minister, while a critic of the government deems the attitude of the parliamentary majority recklessly uncompromising. An independent analyst warns against political hysteria on both sides. READ MORE

Government announces loan repayment moratorium

Friday, March 20th, 2020

A pro-government commentator welcomes the government’s plan to help Hungarian families and businesses survive the financial problems the coronavirus pandemic is sure to bring. A left-wing pundit calls for more government action to protect jobs. READ MORE

Political camps trade accusations of weaponising the virus epidemic

Saturday, March 14th, 2020

As the number of those infected rises steadily, with 19 confirmed cases in Hungary, commentators on both sides of the political frontline accuse the other of exploiting the pandemic for their own purposes. READ MORE

PM Orbán praised with the benefit of hindsight

Tuesday, March 10th, 2020

A pro-government historian welcomes two Austrian newspaper articles whose authors admit that PM Orbán was right five years ago, with his lonely stand among European leaders against mass immigration. READ MORE

Weeklies on PM Orbán’s state of the nation address

Monday, February 24th, 2020

Weeklies and weekend editions of Hungarian dailies discuss the broader implications of the Prime Minister’s annual state of the nation speech, with special emphasis on the green ideas embraced by Viktor Orbán. READ MORE

PM Orbán’s memorandum to the EPP

Friday, February 21st, 2020

A pro-government columnist welcomes Prime Minister Orbán’s call on the European People’s Party to return to its Christian conservative roots. A left-wing analyst thinks that PM Orbán is testing the EPP and using the opportunity to prove that he has become an important player on the European political field. READ MORE

PM Orbán’s state of the nation address

Tuesday, February 18th, 2020

Opinions diverge sharply on Prime Minister Orbán’s annual address, in which he described the past ten years as modern Hungary’s most successful decade, and announced new family benefits, tax cuts and climate protection policies. READ MORE

Pundit proposes “impeachment” of PM Orbán

Saturday, February 15th, 2020

A left-liberal analyst suggests that the opposition should stage a symbolic public trial to prove its claim that the Prime Minister has been ruining Hungarian democracy. READ MORE

PM Orbán meets Chancellor Merkel

Wednesday, February 12th, 2020

Commenting on the meeting between Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany and Prime Minister Viktor Orbán which lasted several hours on Monday, a pro-government columnist suggests that the Hungarian PM was received in Berlin as a European leader worthy of respect and attention. READ MORE

After Salvini, PM meets Merkel

Tuesday, February 11th, 2020

A liberal columnist believes Mr Orbán is cleverly weighing his chances in the European People’s Party and is prepared for every eventuality, while his opponents there cannot muster the majority needed to expel him. READ MORE