Thursday, September 9th, 2021
An independent analyst acknowledges the divergences between the Pontiff and the Hungarian government on migration, but suggests that this is not the reason why the Pope will only stay in Hungary for a few hours. READ MORE
Wednesday, September 8th, 2021
Opinions diverge over what motivated the Prime Minister to say that he will be a staunch supporter of the European Union – even if it were about to fall apart. READ MORE
Friday, August 20th, 2021
A pro-government analyst thinks that it would be timely to assess the potential benefits of ‘Huxit’. Conservative and liberal commentators disagree and see EU membership as Hungary’s number one strategic interest. READ MORE
Monday, August 16th, 2021
Four fiercely government-critical weeklies slam opposition leaders who have used what they see as morally questionable means in their political campaigns. All nonetheless readily assure their leaders that they find the government side even more guilty of such behaviour. READ MORE
Wednesday, August 11th, 2021
Analysing the interview the Prime Minister gave US Fox News host Tucker Carlson in Budapest last week, opposition-leaning authors discover divergences between the positions of the two men –despite their shared opinions on major themes in the ongoing culture war. READ MORE
Tuesday, August 10th, 2021
Commenting on the widespread international media reaction to the one week visit the Fox News host has paid to Hungary and his interview with Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, a Hungarian Canadian sociologist believes Carlson has opened a breach in the ’cordon sanitaire’ built around Hungary. READ MORE
Monday, August 9th, 2021
Pro-government commentators portray Hungary as a defender of traditional European values. Their liberal counterpart, on the other hand, accuses the Hungarian governing party of building disturbing strategic partnerships within and beyond the EU. READ MORE
Monday, July 26th, 2021
Liberal and left-wing weeklies take it for granted that the government used counter-terrorism spyware to monitor its critics. READ MORE
Wednesday, July 14th, 2021
A liberal weekly carries a long interview with an independent political analyst who suggests that the next parliamentary elections will curb the powers of Hungary’s Prime Minister. The question is, to what extent. READ MORE
Saturday, July 10th, 2021
A left-wing site dismisses the Prime Minister’s argument that the abundance of outlets harshly critical of his government is vivid proof of a free press in Hungary. A pro-government outlet takes the attempted murder of a Dutch journalist as an indication that The Netherlands has problems with media freedom. READ MORE