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Fragmented opposition with no vision

Friday, May 24th, 2013

A left-wing analyst thinks efforts to forge an opposition coalition have failed so far and urges all “’democratic anti-Fidesz forces” to come up with a left-liberal-green vision for the post-Orbán era. READ MORE

MSZP blamed in defence of the tobacco-shop decisions

Tuesday, May 21st, 2013
A pro-government daily claims that the tobacco shop scandal and demands to reveal details of the evaluation process of rival bids is simply a trick that helps the MSZP draw up a list of “collaborators” with the present government – with the intention of punishing them later. READ MORE

“Socialist Watergate” tape transcripts

Thursday, April 25th, 2013

Commentators weigh the possible implications of conversations conducted by Hungary’s counter-espionage chief with a prominent mafioso in 2008, on how the latter could be helpful in discrediting right-wing politicians. READ MORE

A new Socialist-liberal coalition in the making

Friday, April 12th, 2013

A pro-government daily predicts that parties on the left will form some kind of coalition, despite the bitter jockeying for position between them, but whatever shape this coalition takes, it will suffer from the lack of credibility that still haunts the MSZP after its previous terms in government, in alliance with Liberals. READ MORE

Magyar Hírlap’s ‘scoop’ parodied in Népszava

Friday, April 5th, 2013

In a blatant parody of a Magyar Hírlap story alleging that Socialist leader Mesterházy is facing a serious challenge from an older generation of party officials, Népszava writes that dissatisfied Fidesz members might send an ultimatum to PM Viktor Orbán, demanding a correction of his political course. READ MORE

Left-wing parties still competing

Wednesday, March 27th, 2013

Commentators evaluating the results of the weekend snap elections in four municipalities suggest that the opposition parties are unlikely to become a real match for the governing Fidesz-KDNP alliance any time soon. READ MORE

MSZP campaign trailer under fire

Monday, March 11th, 2013

Right-wing columnists condemn the Socialist Party for using the images of famous Hungarians for propaganda purposes, while left-wing commentators accuse the government of trying to control the way past Hungarian luminaries can be used. READ MORE

Government widens its lead

Thursday, March 7th, 2013

Right-wing columnists review the latest opinion polls, and conclude that the opposition parties are unlikely to challenge the governing coalition at the 2014 parliamentary elections. READ MORE

Romanian PM – a guest of the Socialists

Friday, March 1st, 2013

A pro-government journalist lists examples of discrimination and arrogance in the record of the left-wing Romanian government and asks how it is possible that such politicians are not rejected by the EU and are even embraced by Hungarian Socialists. READ MORE

’Hunger Marchers’ reach Budapest

Wednesday, February 13th, 2013

An influential right wing pundit claims the demonstration is a joint MSZP-Jobbik attack on the government, while independent bloggers accuse the official parliamentary guard of complicity in setting up a counter-demonstration banner in front of Parliament. A libertarian commentator finds it rather sad that marching people still expect the government to provide them with “work and bread”, instead of asking for a truly free market and the rule of law. READ MORE