Public deficit forecast to reach 5.2 percent of GDP
Friday, October 6th, 2023A left-wing analyst blames the government for higher-than-expected inflation and public deficit. READ MORE
A left-wing analyst blames the government for higher-than-expected inflation and public deficit. READ MORE
A left-wing columnist calls on the Prime Minister to step down, after the President of the National Bank informed a parliamentary committee that Hungary is on the brink of an economic crisis. A pro-government pundit finds both this suggestion, and Mr Matolcsy’s criticism unfounded. READ MORE
As the National Bank deems that Hungary should approach the European average before joining the Euro-zone, a business analyst believes the new criteria outlines by the issuing bank are two severe. READ MORE
A conservative columnist criticizes the National Bank for hiring former counterespionage officers. A pro-government economist, on the other hand, alleges that its critics want to take revenge on the National Bank for cutting into the profit of financial speculators. READ MORE
Hungarian tax payers have walked away with huge gains thanks to National Bank President György Matolcsy’s
As the Constitutional Court blocks the amended National Bank Act, a left-wing and a conservative analyst accuse the government of large scale corruption. A pro-government columnist, on the other hand, claims that the verdict shows that the rule of law is alive and well in Hungary. READ MORE
A left-wing and a centrist columnist criticize an amendment to the National Bank Act which removes from the realm of public funds the money offered by the National Bank to its own foundations – thereby allowing the Bank to treat that information as private. READ MORE
As the National Bank concludes its easing cycle by cutting the base interest rate to 1.35 per cent, a conservative columnist contends that the MNB has helped economic growth significantly, and, despite leftist fears, the Forint has not been weakened by the rapid sequence of rate cuts.
A conservative columnist points out that despite pessimistic projections, Hungarian GDP growth is the highest in the EU. A left-wing pundit shoots back that the government could not reduce the public debt. READ MORE