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Moria camp arson seen as emblematic of EU impotence

Saturday, September 12th, 2020

As over 12 thousand asylum seekers sleep rough on Lesbos island after their camp burnt down on Wednesday, a pro-government commentator blames Europe’s half-hearted attitude toward mass immigration. READ MORE

Speculation on EU migration policy under the German presidency

Saturday, July 11th, 2020

A liberal commentator believes that the EU’s expected anti-immigration turn will make it difficult for the Hungarian government to continue its anti-immigrant rhetoric. A pro-government columnist finds it peculiar that liberals see the anticipated shift as a defeat for PM Orbán. A conservative analyst fears that the EU under the German presidency still wants to impose immigration on the EU.

European Court rules against Hungary’s migrant centers

Monday, May 18th, 2020

As the EU’s top court strikes down the transit zones which form the cornerstone of the government’s asylum policies, a liberal and a conservative pundit ponder the future of migration regulations in Hungary and the EU. READ MORE

PM Orbán praised with the benefit of hindsight

Tuesday, March 10th, 2020

A pro-government historian welcomes two Austrian newspaper articles whose authors admit that PM Orbán was right five years ago, with his lonely stand among European leaders against mass immigration. READ MORE

Fears over migration and coronavirus

Thursday, March 5th, 2020

A pro-government columnist finds the Greek reaction to thousands of asylum-seekers trying to cross its borders brutal but understandable. A left-wing pundit suspects that the Hungarian government cannot protect the country either from illegal migration or from the coronavirus. READ MORE

Transit zones suspend entry for asylum seekers

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2020

A left-wing commentator finds the government’s coronavirus emergency plans wanting. A pro-government columnist welcomes the government’s decision to temporarily suspend entry to two Transit Zones on the Hungary-Serbia border, as one of a series of measures to reduce the risk of coronavirus entering the country. READ MORE

Debate about domestic violence

Saturday, February 1st, 2020
A left-wing author accuses the government of inaction against intra-family violence, while the Minister of Justice rebukes the charges.

European Commission and refugee quotas

Friday, December 13th, 2019

A liberal commentator thinks that the new European Commission will hardly be able to enforce mandatory refugee quotas, although its key members are in favour. Such a scheme, however, is unacceptable for several countries including Hungary, she remarks. READ MORE

Sebastian Kurz in search of coalition partners

Wednesday, October 2nd, 2019

A left-wing columnist hopes that the Austrian People’s Party will form a government with the Greens rather than the anti-immigrant FPÖ. A conservative commentator wishes just the opposite. Another pro-government analyst finds it undemocratic that voters have no leverage over coalition arrangements. READ MORE

Migration issues in the local election campaign

Friday, September 20th, 2019

Pro-government commentators accuse the Left of downplaying the threats and dangers of illegal migration. A liberal commentator, on the other hand, accuses the government of anti-immigrant fear-mongering aimed at mobilizing its rural base. READ MORE