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Hungary to take asylum seekers into custody

Monday, January 16th, 2017

A conservative pundit welcomes the government’s plan to take asylum seekers into custody while their applications are processed. Her left-wing counterpart thinks that there is no real terrorist danger that would necessitate such strict regulations. READ MORE

PM Orbán tables constitutional amendments

Saturday, October 15th, 2016

As the Hungarian Prime Minister submits the draft of constitutional amendments to Parliament in order to pre-empt mandatory EU migrant redistribution, commentators wonder if and how Hungary’s “constitutional identity” should or could be protected by law. READ MORE

Béla Biszku receives suspended sentence

Tuesday, December 22nd, 2015

A pro-government commentator finds the light sentence handed down to a former high-ranking Communist leader outrageous, and accuses the court of falsifying history and encouraging delinquency. READ MORE

Prison inmates to get mobile phones

Friday, August 7th, 2015

A liberal columnist welcomes the government’s decision to buy mobile phones for prison inmates, and calls for more spending on detainees. A conservative pundit, on the other hand, thinks that the money should have been spent on improving education possibilities for inmates. READ MORE

The PM’s remark about death penalty

Monday, May 26th, 2014

A conservative columnist comments on PM Orbán’s remark about the death penalty points out that taking someone’s life is contrary to Christian values, even if such measures would help to save other lives through discouraging criminals from violent acts. READ MORE

Parliament to rewrite FX loan contracts

Monday, March 24th, 2014

In their commentaries on the Constitutional Court’s verdict on forex loans, analysts from across the political spectrum agree that it is the government’s responsibility to help indebted families. It is, however, unclear how loans denominated in foreign currencies could be converted into Forint credits without severe economic consequences. READ MORE

Former PM Gyurcsány as a court witness

Monday, August 26th, 2013

Commentators from both the left and right agree that former Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsány has successfully stolen the show and managed to use the court hearing in a land swap deal to gain publicity and accuse his opponents of acting against national interest. READ MORE

Banks win loan court case

Tuesday, July 9th, 2013

A conservative blogger believes that creditors who demand radical state action and even the annulation of their mortgage loan contracts echo the public culture of the pre-1989 era. READ MORE

Nine Roma convicted for hate-crime

Saturday, May 11th, 2013

After a group of Gypsies attacking far-right anti-Roma protesters were found guilty of hate-crime, the leading left liberal daily accuses the Hungarian courts of discriminating against the Roma. READ MORE

Jobbik wins defamation case

Monday, April 1st, 2013

Liberal commentators criticize the Hungarian justice system for what they see as the misuse of free speech, in their reflections on a court ruling which condemned a historian for calling Jobbik a neo-Nazi party. READ MORE