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Jobbik in crisis

Friday, May 25th, 2018

As a radical figure sets up his own organised faction within Jobbik, one pro-government commentator predicts that the right-wing party is on an irreversible downhill path, while another suspects that the leader of the extremist rebellion is a secret agent. READ MORE

Jobbik elects new leader

Tuesday, May 15th, 2018

One left-wing and one pro-government columnist ponder the implications of the election of Tamás Sneider, a former skinhead leader who now represents Jobbik ‘moderates’ as the new President of Jobbik. READ MORE

Saturday demonstration #2

Tuesday, April 24th, 2018

Commentators agree that the tens of thousands of people who attended the second Saturday demonstration against the government are still far from having clear political objectives. Otherwise, they express diametrically opposed views on this new movement. READ MORE

Opposition leaders quit after lost election

Wednesday, April 11th, 2018

As a series of party leaders resign, admitting their failure to mount a credible challenge to the incumbent government, commentators try to figure out what the new age which began on Monday will bring to Hungary. READ MORE

Election campaign in full swing

Monday, March 26th, 2018

With just two weeks to go till the Parliamentary election, weeklies and the dailies’ weekend editions discuss corruption scandals and ponder what comes after 8 April. READ MORE

Former PM Gyurcsány urges opposition coordination

Tuesday, March 20th, 2018

As Ferenc Gyurcsány invites opposition leaders including Jobbik’s Gábor Vona to coordinate their electoral strategies, a pro-government columnist thinks that by the April election, a broad anti-Fidesz coalition of left-wing parties and Jobbik will emerge. READ MORE

Speculation on the opposition’s chances

Wednesday, February 21st, 2018

The political analyst Gábor Török finds it unlikely that in the few remaining few weeks until the April election any of the opposition parties could become popular enough to challenge Fidesz. He does not rule out, however, the strategic coordination of opposition votes in single-seat districts. READ MORE

Islam portrayed as a threat to Europe

Tuesday, February 6th, 2018

A right-wing pundit contends that all opposition parties from left to right, including Jobbik, are ‘helping Islam subjugate Europe’. A conservative critic of the government agrees that political Islam is a threat to European values, but cautions against what he calls ‘the government’s anti-Islamic rhetoric’. READ MORE

Intellectuals call for Left-Jobbik alliance

Thursday, February 1st, 2018

As 26 intellectuals call on voters to cast their ballots for the strongest opposition candidate in individual constituencies, one blogger thinks they have failed to consider what might happen on the day after the election. An analyst thinks believes that such across-the-board opposition collaboration does constitute a real threat to Fidesz. READ MORE

Deferred payment offered on fines for illegal party financing

Monday, January 15th, 2018

A liberal commentator suspects a trap, as Minister of National Economy Mihály Varga offers a possibility for the deferred payment of fees levied on opposition parties found guilty of illicit campaign financing. A pro-government columnist dismisses similar criticism by opposition parties. READ MORE