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Jobbik’s mixed ‘guard day’ score sheet

Tuesday, August 28th, 2012

Jobbik leader Gábor Vona declared victory over the Minister of the Interior after a successful game of hide-and-seek with the police on the 5th anniversary of the founding of the Hungarian Guard. READ MORE

Opposition strategies for 2014

Monday, August 27th, 2012

A conservative pundit predicts that in the next 18 months left until the 2014 election, both the Socialists and far-right Jobbik will launch a fierce and aggressive campaign against the governing centre-right party in order to mobilize undecided voters. A left-wing intellectual believes that anti-government civil rallies have been a disappointment. READ MORE

Will Jobbik split?

Monday, August 6th, 2012

Commentators on both the left and right agree that recent scandals affecting Jobbik indicate grave conflicts and deep rifts within the far-right party. Analysts contend that this could foreshadow either its split or decline . READ MORE

Jobbik MEP’s bribe attempt to keep his Jewish origins secret

Wednesday, July 25th, 2012

A left-wing commentator doubts whether anyone within Jobbik will learn anything from the story of their MEP who turned out to be of Jewish descent. A right-wing pundit finds the spectacle of MEP Csanád Szegedi trying to bribe the man who blackmailed him with the ethnicity of his ancestors, abhorrent. READ MORE

Budapest pride: no news is good news

Saturday, July 14th, 2012

Commenting on last weekend’s relatively incident-free gay pride parade in Budapest, Véleményvezér contends that most Hungarians have got used to the public presence of homosexuals, while gays, on the other hand, have also understood that they should not be unnecessarily provocative. READ MORE

Who could benefit from voter registration?

Saturday, June 2nd, 2012

Commentators discuss the government’s plan to introduce mandatory voter registration, and caution that pre-registration may not be a useful tool to keep angry, politically under-informed and possibly radical voters away from the ballot box. READ MORE

Nyirő as a battlefield in the culture wars

Thursday, May 31st, 2012

A centrist analyst believes that symbolic political debates have real political importance, and should not be seen as something completely irrational. He notes, however, that the government seems to sacrifice its centrist stance in the current culture war. READ MORE

Jobbik politician envisions Roma-Hungarian civil war

Monday, April 30th, 2012

A left-wing commentator thinks the government majority is the only beneficiary of the latest far-right scandal. A pro-government columnist, on the other hand, suggests that alarmism is promoted by the radical right and opposition parties alike. READ MORE

Bipolar party system is likely to stay

Friday, April 27th, 2012

A centrist analyst suggests that two years after the last election, no major realignment of the party system appears to be in sight, and the next election will be dominated once again, he believes, by the governing centre-right Fidesz and the Socialists – the same parties which have been competing for power since 1998. READ MORE

Anti-Semitic blood libel in Parliament

Monday, April 9th, 2012

A centrist analyst wonders what reasons a radical right-wing representative may have had when he addressed the House to request the commemoration of a young girl who disappeared from her village in 1882, and who, according to the old anti-Semitic narrative, was murdered by local Jews. READ MORE