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Jobbik’s sweeping victory in Ózd

Monday, November 17th, 2014

A liberal and a centrist commentator reed the success of the radical right-wing candidate in the Ózd municipal election as proof that left-wing voters are willing to support the far right if they see in that option an opportunity to defeat Fidesz. READ MORE

Fidesz dominates local elections

Tuesday, October 14th, 2014

Commenting on the results of the municipal elections, the leading left-wing daily calls for a complete overhaul of the Left in order to stop the emergence of what it calls a totalitarian one-party system. The leading pro-government daily points out that the Left managed to increase its support slightly within the new electoral system which it often called illegitimate and biased. READ MORE

Elections overshadowed by the drama of the Left

Monday, October 13th, 2014
In their last comments before Sunday’s municipal elections, analysts agree on one thing: Fidesz’s overwhelming superiority is mainly due to the deep crisis of the left-wing opposition. Few have much confidence that a sizeable left-wing might rise from the ashes any time soon. READ MORE

Jobbik’s modest expectations and softer tone

Tuesday, October 7th, 2014

A left-wing analyst remarks that in its campaign ahead of Sunday’s municipal elections the radical right wing party is using a more moderate tone. He suggests that the softening of rhetoric is not just a tactical weapon but reflects a change in Jobbik’s social background. READ MORE

Jobbik MEP’s Russian spy story

Wednesday, September 24th, 2014

Index runs a lengthy fact-finding story to underpin the suspicion that Jobbik’s leading foreign affairs expert is a Russian secret service operative. He denies the charges and has threatened to sue the author and the news site. READ MORE

Liberals at a loss about state honours to Kertész

Monday, September 1st, 2014

A left-liberal writer thinks the government has managed to baffle the opposing camp by decorating Nobel Prize winning author Imre Kertész. His conservative counterpart believes this was a win-win game for both sides and a contribution to bridging deep-set divisions. READ MORE

Present left-wing parties deemed hopeless

Monday, June 30th, 2014

Left-liberal analysts excoriate the competing left-wing parties and believe that something different has to emerge because in their present state, these forces are no match for the governing conservatives. READ MORE

Szárszó 2014

Tuesday, June 24th, 2014

A pro-government daily says the Szárszó meeting shows left-liberal circles lost their way because they are inimical to the concepts of nation and patriotism. The number one left-wing daily draws the conclusion that the Left is not able at present to defy the government or even to compete successfully with Jobbik. READ MORE

Jobbik triumphalism ridiculed

Friday, May 30th, 2014

A passionate pro-government columnist who is often accused of playing extreme right-wing tunes mock Jobbik leader Gábor Vona’s claim that his radical right wing party has become Fidesz’s only challenger as a result of the European elections. READ MORE

Might Jobbik be banned?

Monday, May 26th, 2014

A liberal analyst wonders whether Fidesz will ban far-right Jobbik after a prominent politician of the movement was accused of spying for Russia. By banning the far-right party, Fidesz could in the short run increase its own constituency, but it would thereby lose the strategic advantage of claiming the centre of the political spectrum, challenged from both sides. READ MORE