Thursday, October 18th, 2018
As the ban on habitual residence in public spaces comes into effect, left-wing and liberal commentators accuse the government of criminalizing homelessness. Pro-government pundits, on the other hand, contend that the government wants to help people in need, and accuse the Left of politically motivated and irresponsible behaviour. READ MORE
Friday, June 15th, 2018
As Fidesz MPs ask the government to introduce a constitutional ban on sleeping rough regularly and living on the streets in general, a left-wing Christian pundit finds the proposal inhumane, while a pro-government columnist welcomes it. READ MORE
Monday, November 18th, 2013
Left-wing columnists accuse the government of weakening solidarity and sweeping problems under the carpet, as the Budapest Assembly passed a decree banning people from living on the street in certain areas. Conservative commentators contend that there are enough places in shelters for the homeless, thus the Fidesz-led council is right to ban anti-social homeless people from specific busy downtown areas. READ MORE
Thursday, October 17th, 2013
A moderate pro-government weekly defends controversial measures to tackle the homeless, but excoriates the provost of Kaposvár University for introducing a strict dress code for students. READ MORE
Monday, October 7th, 2013
Following the passing by Parliament of a new regulation allowing local councils to ban sleeping rough in certain streets and areas, a liberal commentator accuses the government of criminalizing homelessness. A centrist columnist finds the new rules unenforceable. READ MORE