Saturday, May 28th, 2016
As Mr Gyurcsány accuses former Socialist leaders of having leaked the infamous speech which led to his fall, a right-wing columnist believes the case has left an indelibly negative stain on Gyurcsány’s image. READ MORE
Friday, December 11th, 2015
As Parliament amends the law on public procurement tenders and former PM Gyurcsány’s company wins an EU assignment, columnists fling accusations of corruption at Right and Left. READ MORE
Monday, October 26th, 2015
The political rallies organised on 23rd October, the anniversary of the 1956 revolution were attended by very few people, for the first time since such meetings were allowed in 1989. Commentators analyse the context – dwelling on the most disparate factors, from the weakness of the Left to the migration crisis. READ MORE
Saturday, October 10th, 2015
A pro-government analyst believes that with its response to the refugee crisis the government has consolidated its ruling position for a long time to come, while the opposition doesn’t seem to have the stamina to become a real alternative in the foreseeable future. READ MORE
Monday, September 21st, 2015
Since Hungary closed its border with Serbia last week, migrants are being bused by Serbia to the Croatian border and from there by Croatia to Slovenia and to Hungary. While the Hungarian authorities are building a border fence along the border with Croatia to stop the inflow, commentators discuss to what extent the attitude of the Hungarian government is morally and legally justified.
Tuesday, May 12th, 2015
A left-wing columnist fears that the possibility of further appeal by the murderers of Roma families will weaken trust in Hungarian courts. A conservative commentator wonders why the involvement of the secret services under the Gyurcsány government was not investigated. READ MORE
Wednesday, May 6th, 2015
A right-wing analyst finds it ‘nauseating’ that the European Commission should have chosen former PM Ferenc Gyucsány’s company to review the implementation of EU development programs in the member countries for the current seven-year period (2014-2020). READ MORE
Monday, May 4th, 2015
Commentators on both Left and Right make fun of promises of increases in welfare payments by left-wing and far-right parties. READ MORE
Friday, May 1st, 2015
A columnist in the leading left-wing daily lambasts Ferenc Gyurcsány’s uncritical pro-US rhetoric and his support for Hungarian participation in the anti-ISIS coalition. READ MORE
Thursday, January 8th, 2015
The leading left-wing daily slams the main left-wing parties for what it calls opportunistic complacency, as they criticize a far-right politician for his anti-Roma slant. READ MORE