Friday, August 15th, 2014
Magyar Nemzet condemns rumours about an alleged million Hungarians having left their country for Great Britain as vulgar and false electoral propaganda. The Hungarian citizens working in the United Kingdom number about 150 thousand. READ MORE
Monday, June 30th, 2014
A left wing daily claims Cameron and Orbán could not understand the way the Union works and gained nothing by opposing Juncker, but while Great Britain is still an important partner for Angela Merkel, Hungary cannot expect such attention. A pro-government daily examines the domestic motives behind Cameron’s stance and says even by losing, he achieved victory in the home arena. The same can be said of Viktor Orbán, he suggests, who must stick to his “freedom fight” not to lose face among Fidesz supporters.
Monday, December 23rd, 2013
A centre-right legal analyst thinks the concerns motivating PM David Cameron are understandable, but as a member state of the European Union, the UK has to abide by the common rules. READ MORE