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Nádas was too white to be shortlisted for a German literary prize

Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024

Left and right-wing commentators find it equally absurd of a German literary jury to discard Hungarian writer Péter Nádas from the top candidates of the HKW prize for the best novel of 2023, despite his book being found to be the best. READ MORE

Right wing victories in Germany

Thursday, October 12th, 2023

Although the regional elections in Bavaria and Hesse were won by the Christian Democratic parties (CSU and CDU respectively), commentators focus on the success of the anti-immigration protest party which came second in both regions. They refrain from calling the AfD a far-right party.


Hungary hopes to complete the Paks-2 project by the early 2030s

Wednesday, May 10th, 2023

A pro-government weekly reports that the Hungarian side is preparing itself for possible international sanctions against Rosatom, the Russian nuclear power giant which at present is still in charge of the construction of Hungary’s second nuclear power station. READ MORE

Weeklies on Hungary’s attitude towards the war in Ukraine

Monday, March 13th, 2023

Pro-opposition commentators accuse the government of condoning Russia’s aggression when it opposes the sanctions being imposed on Russia. Pro-government authors praise what they see as the only independent voice in Europe. READ MORE

EP majority opposes the release of frozen funds to Hungary

Tuesday, November 22nd, 2022

A pro-government columnist accuses EP Deputy Speaker Katarina Barley of ‘imperial tactics’ for suggesting that the EU should withhold funding from Hungary. A left-wing commentator attributes the EU’s critical stance on Hungary to the government’s efforts to seek populist alliances abroad. READ MORE

PM Orbán condemns Russian aggression

Saturday, October 15th, 2022

A left-wing commentator accuses the Prime Minister of ‘doublespeak’. A pro-government blogger, on the other hand, finds Prime Minisnter Orbán’s messages both consistent and clear. READ MORE

EU at the crossroads

Wednesday, September 7th, 2022

A conservative commentator fears that German efforts to centralize the EU would weaken democracy. A left-wing columnist hopes that the EU will emerge stronger from the current crises – if it survives them. READ MORE

Pro-government columnist on the war in Ukraine

Friday, April 22nd, 2022

A conservative analyst finds the prospect of a prolonged war in Ukraine frightening and urges efforts to reach an early settlement. READ MORE

CDU new leader welcomed

Wednesday, December 22nd, 2021

A pro-government analyst thinks that under Friedrich Merz, the CDU will return to its original conservative agenda that the party abandoned under Angela Merkel’s leadership. READ MORE

Trouble in store for Hungarian relations with post-Merkel Germany?

Monday, December 13th, 2021

Right-wing analysts fear that the new left-liberal German government will harshly criticize Hungary and try to encroach on national sovereignty. Left-wing commentators are less than certain that Germany will become more critical of Hungary than under Chancellor Merkel. READ MORE