Saturday, January 27th, 2018
A pro-government columnist calls for tougher measures against NGOs who help migrants, as the top European court rules against the psychological testing of asylum seekers who seek protection on the grounds of being victims of homophobic persecution. READ MORE
Tuesday, June 27th, 2017
As the new youthful party issues an appeal in support of the Gay Pride Parade, a conservative commentator regrets that the new opposition movement has ‘gone so far to the left’. READ MORE
Monday, July 6th, 2015
The ruling of the Supreme Court of the United States defining same sex marriage as a constitutional right splits Hungarian public life across the left liberal versus conservative divide line. The leftist argument is that the law must not stand in the way of love, while conservatives fear that same-sex marriage will further aggravate demographic decline in developed countries. READ MORE
Thursday, July 10th, 2014
Conservative and liberal bloggers alike criticize the way the police secured the fringes of Saturday’s Budapest Pride march and their leniency towards radical counter-demonstrators. READ MORE
Monday, July 7th, 2014
On the eve of the annual Budapest Pride walk, conservative columnists suspect that the gay pride movement has been taken over by a militant core that wants to force its worldview on majorities and silence those who do not agree with them. Liberal commentators accuse conservative religious defenders of traditional values and the family of reframing old style homophobia. READ MORE
Wednesday, May 14th, 2014
Baffled right-wing commentators find the transvestite winner hard to accept. One claims that Eurovision attracts gay audiences, another calls the outcome of the vote an aberration. Their left-wing counterpart thinks Austria may benefit from the Conchita Wurst case. READ MORE