Saturday, April 26th, 2014
A young pro-government writer suggests that Fidesz helped the Socialists to preserve their place in Hungarian politics, and now it is time for the MSZP to take up the offer and give up “the democracy agenda”. The author, a member of the Young Christian Democrats (affiliated with the Fidesz-KDNP coalition) recalls the so-called Bethlen-Peyer pact as an example which could be emulated today. READ MORE
Tuesday, April 22nd, 2014
In their analyses on the causes of the defeat of the Left at the elections on 6th April, commentators across the political spectrum believe that there will be no left-wing alternative to the incumbent government until the far reaching lessons of two consecutive electoral catastrophes are learned. Opinions differ, however about what those lessons are. READ MORE
Tuesday, April 8th, 2014
Commentators across the political spectrum agree that the left has been shattered and will need to completely reinvent itself after another huge defeat. Conservative columnists maintain that the overwhelming support legitimizes all the reforms and policies introduced by the Orbán government in the past four years. READ MORE
Monday, April 7th, 2014
One day before the elections political dailies publish passionate battle cries, pinpointing enemies which readers should not vote for under any circumstances, barring an unavoidable national tragedy. Sunday’s general election is the first in Hungary without a 48 hour a ban on campaign messages. Weeklies that mostly appear on Wednesday and Thursday took a more analytical attitude, but also made a final effort to mobilize voters. READ MORE
Monday, March 31st, 2014
Left-wing commentators still hope that a crushing Fidesz victory can be prevented. In that case, they suggest, any complaints from the Left about the new election rules will seem more credible. Their right-wing counterparts meanwhile are pulling out all the stops to mobilise their readers for one last push. They argue that the latest scandals have stripped the Left of its last shreds of credibility. READ MORE
Tuesday, February 25th, 2014
As former PM Gyurcsány denies having leaked his famous “lie-speech”, left-wing columnists suggest that the publication of the tapes and even the riots which followed could have been orchestrated by Fidesz politicians. Pro-government commentators, on the other hand, contend that Gyurcsány’s involvement in the leak is beyond doubt. READ MORE
Saturday, February 8th, 2014
The leading left-wing daily speculates that the Paks nuclear plant construction deal with Russia serves only the interests of Moscow and entrepreneurs allied to Fidesz. Pro-government pundits, on the other hand, consider the agreement beneficial for the country, and accuse left-wing politicians of having used the Paks nuclear plant in the past to finance their own party and private business. READ MORE
Friday, February 7th, 2014
Commenting on the latest polls, a conservative columnist contends that the newfound unity of the left-wing parties, rather than increasing their electoral base, has helped mobilize pro-Fidesz voters. The reason for this, he suggests, is the lack of vision on the left. READ MORE
Monday, December 16th, 2013
Right-wing commentators contend that PM Orbán’s vision is closer to social democratic ideals than the policies of past socialist-liberal governments. Left-wing pundits, on the other hand, accuse Fidesz of favoring the rich instead of supporting those in need. READ MORE
Tuesday, December 3rd, 2013
A pro-government columnist finds unfounded the allegations of a former Tax Authority officer who claimed that he had uncovered large scale fraud assisted by the Agency. She criticizes the government, however, for not being more cooperative in investigating the allegations. READ MORE