Friday, September 21st, 2018
Pro-government columnists, pondering the implications of the EU infringement procedure against Hungary, accuse the EU leadership of violating basic democratic norms as well as of threatening the unity of the European Union. READ MORE
Monday, July 30th, 2018
In their first reactions to PM Orbán’s Tusnádfürdő address, liberal and left-wing commentators suggest that Viktor Orbán wants to elevate his illiberal politics to the European stage. Pro-government columnist agree with the Prime Minister that liberal elites need to be replaced. READ MORE
Wednesday, July 25th, 2018
A conservative commentator contends that the mass immigration of Muslims to Europe threatens not only Christian and Jewish lifestyles, but also liberal values including equality and freedom. READ MORE
Monday, June 18th, 2018
A left-wing liberal columnist thinks that the rise of nationalist politics in the EU and the US will severely limit the Hungarian government’s possibilities to defend Hungarian interests. READ MORE
Wednesday, June 13th, 2018
A pro-government commentator welcomes Italy’s decision to turn back the rescue ship with hundreds of undocumented migrants, and blames the plight of migrants on pro-migration NGOs. A left-wing columnist accuses anti-immigrant parties that claim to defend Christian Europe of violating basic Christian values. READ MORE
Thursday, February 8th, 2018
A pro-government pundit thinks that the April election will determine Hungary’s ‘civilizational path’. Voters need to decide if they want strong nation states, Christian values and traditional families – or the opposite. READ MORE
Monday, January 29th, 2018
While discussing the fate of western and central Europe, two conservative historians disagree on whether Central Europe can outride the West and become ‘a beacon of freedom and progress.’ READ MORE
Tuesday, January 9th, 2018
A left-wing commentator lambasts Horst Seehofer, leader of the CSU for calling Hungarian Prime Minister a democrat. A pro-government pundit, on the other hand, hopes that Bavaria will join the coalition of the Visegrád countries and help Europe return to its core national and religious values. READ MORE
Tuesday, January 2nd, 2018
Pro-government analysts looking back on 2017 believe that the Hungarian government has been the standard-bearer of what they call a ‘new political paradigm’. A left-wing pundit, on the other hand, deems the government’s policy path disastrous. READ MORE
Thursday, December 28th, 2017
A conservative commentator contends that Europe’s Christian heritage is imperiled by consumerism and multiculturalism. His anti-government counterpart finds all this tasteless and politically motivated fear-mongering. READ MORE