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Energy company signs agreement on South Stream pipeline

Saturday, December 14th, 2013

As the Hungarian state run energy company reaches agreement with Gazprom on plans for the South Stream pipeline, a leading left-wing daily contends that, in the dispute over the pipeline, PM Orbán has to find a delicate balance between Russia and the EU. READ MORE

Rembering PM József Antall

Friday, December 13th, 2013

In an article to mark the twentieth anniversary of PM József Antall’s death, a left-wing pundit contends that the current right-wing parties have betrayed Antall’s conservative liberal vision. Another former ally of PM Antall, on the other hand, believes that the main goal set by the first democratically elected Prime Minister is being fulfilled by the Orbán government. READ MORE

A right-wing take on FX mortgages

Friday, November 15th, 2013

A conservative economist contends that forex mortgages endanger European financial stability and calls for EU action to ease the burden on debtors. READ MORE

Tavares charge dismissed as ‘paranoid’

Thursday, October 10th, 2013

A left-wing commentator accuses Fidesz of suspecting an opposition conspiracy behind all unpleasant surprises including the Tavares report, and suggests that such ‘paranoid propaganda’ should help opposition forces unite. READ MORE

Was the Tavares report authored by Hungarian Socialists?

Wednesday, October 9th, 2013

Magyar Nemzet accuses leading Socialist politicians of lying, when they deny their role in the preparation of the European Parliament resolution condemning the constitutional changes enacted by the right-wing government since 2010. READ MORE

EU fund freeze lifted

Wednesday, September 11th, 2013

A pro-government commentator believes that the government has won an important battle against the European Commission which tried to punish Hungary by suspending EU funds. READ MORE

Saint Stephen's Day musings

Tuesday, August 20th, 2013

Commentators across the political spectrum use St Stephen’s Day to put current political developments and debates into an historical perspective. Right-wing pundits praise the government for reinstating St. Stephen’s heritage, while a left-wing columnist accuses it of completely ignoring its critics. READ MORE

EU funds frozen

Saturday, August 17th, 2013

A left-wing commentator thinks the freeze is due to the semi-paralysis of the decision-makers, and predicts therefore that despite State Secretary János Lázár’s vow to overhaul the system of distribution of EU funds, inefficiency and incompetence will continue to rule. A pro-government analyst says Hungary is out of the recession with a meagre GDP growth for the second quarter in a row, but U funds are vital, as more investment – and jobs – will be needed  for the people to benefit. READ MORE

Euro over 300 HUF

Saturday, August 3rd, 2013

Commentators across the political spectrum ponder the possible impact of the IMF loan repayment and the conversion of foreign currency-based mortgages into Forint credit. READ MORE

Magyar Naracs EU fund suspension call condemned

Tuesday, July 23rd, 2013

In response to a liberal editorial calling on the EU to withhold funds from Hungary in order to promote a regime change, a pro-government daily warns that the EU has contractual obligations and its attempts to meddle in Hungarian democratic politics have already backfired. READ MORE