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PM Orbán in Berlin

Monday, May 12th, 2014

Commenting on the Prime Minister’s speech in Berlin and his meeting with Chancellor Angela Merkel, a left-wing columnist believes that Mr Orbán’s vision is too conservative even for German Christian Democrats. Right-wing commentators, on the other hand, contend that the German government regards Hungary as an important and reliable economic and geopolitical ally. READ MORE

European Parliamentary election campaign in top gear

Wednesday, May 7th, 2014

A conservative commentator criticizes Jobbik’s anti-EU rhetoric by pointing out that Hungary has received thousands of billion Forints in EU cohesion funds. A liberal pundit scorns left and far-right parties which demand western European wages for Hungarians. READ MORE

Ten years in the European Union

Monday, May 5th, 2014

Most commentators agree that Hungary has made relatively little progress since it joined the European Union ten years ago, despite a net financial transfer amounting to about 1.5 per cent of its GDP. Opinions diverge however on the reasons as well as on the direction European integration should follow. READ MORE

EU fund transfers suspended

Wednesday, April 30th, 2014

Népszabadság blames the temporary suspension of cohesion fund payments on the government, which re-organised its EU fund management structures without seeking the prior approval of Brussels . Magyar Nemzet suspects that Hungary is repeatedly singled out by the Austrian commissioner for more than simply technical reasons. READ MORE

Fears and hopes for the next four years

Monday, April 14th, 2014

Commentators wonder whether or not the next Orbán government will strike a more conciliatory tone, and seek compromises in the economy and in symbolic battles at home and on the European scene. READ MORE

Hungary and the Crimea referendum

Wednesday, March 19th, 2014

Left-wing and conservative columnists agree that the West cannot stop Russia from annexing the breakaway peninsula. They note that having recognized Kosovo as an independent state the West cannot consistently defend the principle of territorial integrity. READ MORE

Ukraine in the cross-hairs

Thursday, February 27th, 2014

Pundits across the political spectrum ponder the fate and future of crisis ridden Ukraine. Left-wing and moderate conservative analysts hope that the EU will help the country down the democratic path, but warn that Russia may try to prevent Ukraine’s European integration. A right-wing daily, on the other hand, cautions against optimism and fears the plundering of Ukraine by Western investors. A centrist blogger proposes federalization as an alternative to break-up. READ MORE

Ruminations on the Swiss referendum

Wednesday, February 12th, 2014

Népszava thinks Switzerland and the European Union will both have to pay a heavy price for the immigration restrictions to be imposed by the Swiss government. Magyar Nemzet interprets the outcome of the referendum as a first sign that European governments must face immigration problems seriously. READ MORE

Hungary seen avenged by EU downgrade

Tuesday, December 31st, 2013

Magyar Nemzet believes that what its editors always saw as double standards in judging economic policies came to an end when Standard and Poor’s stripped the European Union of its top credit rating just before Christmas. The commentator cautions, however, against premature triumphalism, despite the first signs of recovery in Hungary.

Arguments against immigrant workforce restrictions in Britain

Monday, December 23rd, 2013

A centre-right legal analyst thinks the concerns motivating PM David Cameron are understandable, but as a member state of the European Union, the UK has to abide by the common rules. READ MORE