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EU Parliament lifts Jobbik MEP’s immunity

Friday, October 16th, 2015

A left-wing and a pro-government pundit agree that during the investigation into an MEP‘s alleged spying activity for Russia (see BudaPost through May 20, 2014) Jobbik will have to clarify if it is in any way inked to the Russian secret services. READ MORE

Hungary’s migrant policy criticised by Amnesty International

Wednesday, October 14th, 2015

A conservative constitutional lawyer dismisses the accusation that Hungary is violating its international obligations. On the contrary, Hungary is among the few states that still respects the Schengen treaty and acts accordingly, he claims. READ MORE

Compulsory migrant quotas

Thursday, September 24th, 2015

As Hungary and its East European allies fail to block the approval by Brussels on compulsory migrant quotas, an anti-terrorist expert complains that Hungary is subjected to unfair international criticism, and that key European leaders still refuse to face the essence of the migrant crisis. READ MORE

Migration: the clash of civilizations?

Monday, September 14th, 2015

Pundits on both the Right and the Left fear that European civilization, based on Christian and Enlightenment values is endangered by Muslim migrants, whose culture is not compatible with European norms. READ MORE

Intra-EU divergences over migration

Wednesday, September 9th, 2015

Conservative columnists criticise the European Union for its poor performance in facing the migration crisis and believe that the polarization of opinions within the EU is likely to increase. READ MORE

Thousands of undocumented migrants leave Hungary

Monday, September 7th, 2015

An agreement with Germany and Austria has allowed Hungary to transfer asylum seekers to the Austrian border. Weeklies and dailies ponder the implications of the crisis and the prospect of its resolution. READ MORE

Prospects of EU solution to the migration situation

Friday, September 4th, 2015

PM Orbán travelled to Brussels on Thursday to discuss migration issues with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker. This will be followed by a Visegrad 4 summit in Prague. Analysts wonder if there is hope for an EU solution to the migration crisis. READ MORE

Hungary takes the blame amidst migrant emergency

Thursday, September 3rd, 2015

A left-wing columnist contends that Hungary should do more to care for migrants trapped in Budapest. Right-wing commentators, on the other hand, find it absurd that Hungary is called on to stop migrants from proceeding to western Europe but at the same time is criticised for erecting a fence in an effort to stop migrants. READ MORE

Five arrests over migrant truck deaths

Tuesday, September 1st, 2015

A conservative commentator ascribes the flourishing human trafficking business and thus the tragedy of the 71 migrants found dead in a truck on the roadside in Eastern Austria to the impotence of the European Union to face the mounting wave of immigration from the Third World. READ MORE

Greek lessons after Tsipras resigns

Monday, August 24th, 2015

Commentators across the political spectrum wonder whether Greek PM Tsipras’ decision to step down is a tactical stunt or an admission of failure. They also ponder its implications for sovereignty and austerity. READ MORE