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EU tries to rein in Poland

Saturday, January 16th, 2016

A pro-government analyst characterises the steps taken to condemn the new Polish government as carbon copies of a series of earlier hearings and infringement procedures launched in Hungary’s case after the right-wing electoral victory in 2010. READ MORE

PM Cameron’s visit to Hungary

Saturday, January 9th, 2016

Commenting on the meeting of the two prime ministers, a left-wing columnist cautions against hoping that the UK and Hungary are becoming strategic allies in reforming the EU. A conservative commentator dares to believe that Hungary can become an important player in revamping the Union. READ MORE

European Union leaders adopt joint migration strategy

Monday, December 21st, 2015

Conservative analysts suspect that the decisions adopted by the European Council on Friday will prove insufficient as crisis management tools. They believe that Europe is still reluctant to take resolute action in order to avert what they regard as a looming catastrophe. READ MORE

European Parliament condemns Hungary

Friday, December 18th, 2015

The number one left-wing daily is sceptical about the impact of the resolution adopted by the left-liberal majority of MEPs, accusing Hungary of systematically violating basic European values.


The lessons of the French municipal elections

Wednesday, December 16th, 2015

After centrist parties prevented the radical right wing from converting its first round lead into victory in France’s regional elections, commentators agree that the two traditional parties have no answers to the growing concerns of the French electorate. One even hints that they should learn from Hungary and Poland. READ MORE

Infringement procedure against Hungary on migration laws

Tuesday, December 15th, 2015

A pro-government columnist believes that if the European Union is serious about refugee rights, it should launch an infringement procedure against Germany rather than singling out Hungary. He is particularly outraged by what he describes as European Parliament Speaker Martin Schulz’s ‘diatribe against nation states.’ READ MORE

PM Orbán has international friends on his side

Monday, December 7th, 2015

Left- and right-wing analysts equally recognise that the Hungarian Prime Minister is not isolated any more with his views on immigration in Europe. They differ however on whether he’s right or wrong and whether his position will ultimately prevail. READ MORE

Paris terrorist picked up accomplices in Budapest

Saturday, December 5th, 2015

A conservative columnist accuses EC chairman Jean-Claude Juncker of promoting valueless policies and facilitating thereby the rise of Islamist terrorism in Europe. READ MORE

PM Orbán as a pole of attraction in Europe?

Friday, December 4th, 2015

A conservative columnist quotes international analyses which claim that the Hungarian Prime Minister has an increasing influence throughout Europe. He describes Mr Orbán’s emergence as an international player as an unprecedented phenomenon in Hungarian history. READ MORE

Collecting signatures against relocation quotas

Thursday, December 3rd, 2015

A conservative columnist sees no point in continuing to collect signatures against mandatory migrant relocation quotas as pro-government activists are doing across the country, since the European Union has already dropped the idea of forcing member countries to accept a pre-established number of refugees. READ MORE