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Further repercussions of the quota referendum

Wednesday, October 5th, 2016

A liberal commentator contends that following the 2 October referendum, PM Orbán will no longer be considered a grave threat to the EU. A pro-government columnist thinks that the referendum will serve as a reference point in EU debates on migration. READ MORE

Last arguments before the referendum 

Monday, October 3rd, 2016

On the eve of the referendum on compulsory European migrant quotas, columnists made a last effort to convince the public about the best course to follow. READ MORE

The EU Summit in Bratislava

Monday, September 19th, 2016

Commentators disagree on Prime Minister Orbán’s diagnosis that after last Friday’s meeting in the Slovak capital, the EU’s position on illegal immigration remained basically unaltered, as leaders spoke much more about migrant resettlement than about the protection of Europe’s borders. READ MORE

Luxembourg Foreign Minister would expel Hungary from the EU

Thursday, September 15th, 2016

A left-wing daily and a conservative commentator both consider the termination of Hungary’s EU membership as proposed by Mr Asselborn as an exaggerated reaction to the bitter divergences which have emerged over the migration crisis. READ MORE

The political stakes of the quota referendum

Monday, September 12th, 2016

Analysts across the political spectrum ponder the potential implications of the 2 October migrant quota referendum for Hungarian domestic politics and the European Union. READ MORE

PM Orbán named man of the year at Krynica Economic Forum

Friday, September 9th, 2016

A conservative columnist interprets PM Orbán’s honor as proof of his successful politics. His left-wing counterpart accuses the Orbán government of using claims of national sovereignty to entrench corruption. READ MORE

Debate over migration and quotas rolls on

Friday, August 26th, 2016

Pro-government commentators accuse the Hungarian Left of irresponsibility for not taking the dangers of migration seriously. A left-wing pundit accuses the government of using the migration crisis to further polarize the public. A conservative columnist thinks both sides are sending out simplistic messages in order to boost their popularity. READ MORE

The implications of Turkish-Russian rapprochement

Thursday, August 11th, 2016

Commentators disagree on whether Turkish-Russian diplomatic rapprochement is to be judged as a worrisome development by Europe. READ MORE

Leading dailies on Viktor Orbán’s Tusnád speech

Tuesday, July 26th, 2016

Left-wing columnists find the PM’s messages ambiguous. A pro-government commentator thinks that Mr Orbán has offered a clear analysis and a feasible proposal to overcome Europe’s multiple crises. A centrist pundit believes the prime minister may become one of the new leaders of the EU. READ MORE

PM Orbán’s speech at Tusnád 2016

Monday, July 25th, 2016

While most news sites confine themselves to lengthy reports on the Prime Minister’s address at the annual gathering in Transylvania, two opposition portals devote detailed comments to Mr Orbán’s positive assessment of Donald Trump’s acceptance speech at the Republican Party Convention last Friday. READ MORE