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Hungarians – the most pro-EU people in Europe

Monday, July 3rd, 2017

According to two parallel international surveys, Hungary turns out to be the nation most favourable to the European Union. But commentators sharply disagree on the role the government has played in confronting Brussels and shaping public opinion inside the country. The Hungarian EU Commissioner, despite his allegiance to Fidesz, disagrees with the government on migration issues. READ MORE

EU infringement procedure against Hungary on refugee relocation

Thursday, June 15th, 2017

As the European Commission initiates a new procedure against Central European member states for not participating in the EU refugee relocation scheme, a conservative pundit thinks that the EU’s strategy will boost PM Orbán’s popularity.   READ MORE

Former Socialist minister to represent Syrian migrant charged with terrorism

Tuesday, June 13th, 2017

As a former Socialist Minister of Justice agrees to defend an asylum-seeker in his appeal against a conviction for terrorism, a pro-government commentator accuses the Left of ‘siding with illegal migrants’. A left-wing columnist dismisses the accusation. READ MORE

More on EU-US relations

Thursday, June 1st, 2017

An independent conservative analyst hopes that the weakening of transatlantic cooperation will make Europe stronger and more resilient. READ MORE

Angela Merkel tells Europe to make it on its own

Wednesday, May 31st, 2017

Commentators ponder what a more independent and assertive Europe, as envisioned by Chancellor Merkel, might entail for Hungary. READ MORE

Weeklies on EU Article 7 procedure

Monday, May 29th, 2017

Two critics of the government agree that the resolution adopted by the European Parliament to launch a procedure to investigate whether basic European values are systematically transgressed in Hungary is unlikely to cause serious problems to the government.  READ MORE

European Parliament calls for the triggering of Article 7 against Hungary

Friday, May 19th, 2017

Pro-government commentators interpret the EP resolution against Hungary as a politically motivated attack by pro-migration forces. An independent and a left-wing columnist, on the other hand, agree with the authors of the text which accuses Hungary of violating basic EU norms. READ MORE

EU fines Hungary for irregular tendering under Socialist-Liberal government

Wednesday, May 17th, 2017

As the European Commission withdraws billions of Forints from Hungary because of irregular tendering between 2003 and 2009, a pro-government commentator accuses the former Socialist-Liberal government of corruption. READ MORE

Hungary in permanent conflict with Brussels

Friday, May 12th, 2017

An anti-government author cautions against going too far in criticising Brussels and warns that the government might regret its antiBrussels campaign if, as a result, EU membership were to become the stake at next year’s election. READ MORE

George Soros still on political centre stage

Monday, May 8th, 2017

As the dispute over George Soros and his network rolls on and grows ever more bitter, pro-government weeklies and dailies call for harsh measures to curb the alleged influence of the Hungarian-born philanthropist and his foundations. A left-wing journalist accuses the government of absurd falsifications and fear-mongering. READ MORE