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Migration quota disputes in the UN and EU

Saturday, March 24th, 2018

A right-wing columnist thinks that the Hungarian government is justified in dismissing the UN resolution on migration. A conservative critic of the government accuses PM Orbán of fear-mongering over migration. READ MORE

Lessons of the Italian election

Wednesday, March 7th, 2018

A right-wing and a left-wing columnist agree that it will be difficult to govern Italy after the election resulted in stalemate between the Five Star Movement and a right-wing alliance. But they offer diametrically opposed interpretations of the vote. READ MORE

EU ponders a linkage between structural funds and asylum-seekers

Monday, February 26th, 2018

As Chancellor Merkel proposes that EU structural funds should be contingent on accepting the redistribution of asylum-seekers, conservative commentators accuse her, as well as the EU, of blackmail. READ MORE

European court rules against sexual orientation test for asylum seekers

Saturday, January 27th, 2018

A pro-government columnist calls for tougher measures against NGOs who help migrants, as the top European court rules against the psychological testing of asylum seekers who seek protection on the grounds of being victims of homophobic persecution. READ MORE

Right-wing interpretations of the divisions within the EU

Monday, January 8th, 2018

One pro-government analyst criticises the European Commission and leading European officials for trying to impose majority opinions on Hungary and its partners, while another believes a war is underway between the supporters of multiculturalism and those of the nation state. READ MORE

A left-wing take on the Hungarian-Polish summit

Saturday, January 6th, 2018

Commenting on Wednesday’s visit by Poland’s PM to Hungary, the left-wing newspaper sides with the European Commission in its controversy with the governments of Poland and Hungary. READ MORE

Looking back on 2017

Tuesday, January 2nd, 2018

Pro-government analysts looking back on 2017 believe that the Hungarian government has been the standard-bearer of what they call a ‘new political paradigm’. A left-wing pundit, on the other hand, deems the government’s policy path disastrous. READ MORE

The state of economy at the end of 2017

Friday, December 29th, 2017

Two conservative economists look back on the a record of the Hungarian economy in 2017, and speculate about its prospects in 2018. READ MORE

Migration on the agenda of the EU summit

Saturday, December 16th, 2017

A pro-government pundit hopes that the Visegrád countries will reject the introduction of mandatory migrant relocation at the EU summit. His left-wing counterpart accuses PM Orbán of not showing solidarity towards other EU member states. READ MORE

Brussels sues Hungary on three counts

Saturday, December 9th, 2017

As the European Commission presses three infringement procedures against Hungary, a pro-government commentator accuses it of applying double standards and of violating Hungary’s sovereignty. READ MORE