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First comments on EU migration deal

Monday, July 2nd, 2018

Pro-government commentators agree with PM Orbán that the EU migration deal is a huge political victory for Hungary and the Visegrad countries. A left-wing columnist is bitterly disappointed by the deal, while a liberal pundit downplays its importance. READ MORE

A left-wing take on EU sanctions procedure against Hungary

Thursday, June 28th, 2018

A left-wing columnist interprets the prospect of an EU procedure against Hungary on account of ‘a clear risk of a serious breach of EU values’ as a shame for the country, and proof that the Hungarian government does not follow the rule of law. READ MORE

EP committee backs sanctions procedure against Hungary

Wednesday, June 27th, 2018

In an early comment on the European Parliament’s Civil Liberties committee vote in favor of sanctioning Hungary, a pro-government pundit accuses EU liberals of burying their heads in the sand. READ MORE

A critique of the Sargentini report

Monday, June 25th, 2018

A leading Hungarian MEP dismisses a report prepared by a committee of the European parliament as a violation of the Lisbon Treaty and  aiming to deprive Hungary of its voting rights on the basis of unfair procedures. READ MORE

Hungary seen as a potential driving force in Eastern Europe

Thursday, June 21st, 2018

A pro-government analyst suggests that Hungary should play a leading role in uniting Central and East European countries which have basic common interests despite their many differences. READ MORE

European Court rules in favour of gay marriage

Tuesday, June 12th, 2018

A pro-government columnist worries about the prospect of unelected officials and judges imposing their own values on nations within the European Union.  READ MORE

Fukuyama in agreement with PM Orbán

Saturday, May 19th, 2018

A pro-government political analyst welcomes Francis Fukuyama’s recent statement, in which the American liberal political thinker called for an end to uncontrolled migration and the protection the EU’s borders – echoing the proposals of the Hungarian Prime Minister. READ MORE

EU plans to cut cohesion funds

Monday, May 14th, 2018

A liberal EU expert contends that PM Orbán has become a major player on the European level and doesn’t have to fear European fund cuts. Another liberal columnist calls on the government to strengthen strategic cooperation with other member states in the dispute over the proposed EU budget. READ MORE

EU budget draft unveiled

Friday, May 4th, 2018

A pro-government commentator finds a plan by Brussels to punish Hungary through budget cuts outrageous. A left-wing columnist predicts that Hungary will pay a high price for PM Orbán’s disputes with the EU. READ MORE

PM Orbán’s talks in Brussels

Thursday, May 3rd, 2018

As Prime Minister Orbán meets the leaders of the European People’s Party, a left-wing columnist believes that European conservatives may reprimand PM Orbán for his illiberal policies. A pro-government commentator dismisses such speculation, and calls on the EU not to punish Hungary and Poland by limiting their access to cohesion funds. READ MORE