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Angela Merkel meets V4 leaders

Saturday, February 9th, 2019

Pro-government columnists commenting on the Bratislava summit disagree on whether German Chancellor Merkel has joined the Visegrád leaders in their stance against mass migration to Europe. READ MORE

Hungary threatens to block EU-Arab League deal

Wednesday, February 6th, 2019

As Hungary blocks the proposed agreement between the EU and the Arab League, a pro-government columnist accuses the EU of trying to force the UN Migration Pact on Hungary. READ MORE

A pro-government view on Brexit

Friday, January 18th, 2019

A conservative analyst regrets that with Brexit, Hungary is losing an ally in debates within the European Union. She also finds it worrying that Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union will apparently take place in chaotic conditions. READ MORE

Speculations about a potential ‘Huxlit’ dismissed

Friday, December 28th, 2018

A liberal commentator dismisses what he calls ‘left-wing fake news’ that the government has begun Hungary’s exit from the EU by repealing several bilateral trade treaties. READ MORE

Macron’s EU plans criticised

Tuesday, November 20th, 2018

A pro-government daily carries two articles within three days criticising President Macron of France for his views about a more integrated European Union. READ MORE

Hungarians deeply divided on the anniversary of the revolution

Thursday, October 25th, 2018

Commentators are just as divided on the speeches by leading politicians as the latter were in their interpretations of 1956 and current political matters. READ MORE

PM Orbán at the EU summit

Saturday, October 20th, 2018

A pro-government columnist welcomes the Prime Minister’s insistence on stopping illegal migration through border control, and instead of admitting refugees, helping people in need in their own homelands. READ MORE

Wake up call to Europe

Friday, October 12th, 2018

A pro-government historian believes that leading West European politicians would like to go back to the times when Eastern Europe was a second-rate region. She invites them instead to meet the new challenges of the modern era. READ MORE

Remembering the martyrs of the 1948-49 revolution

Monday, October 8th, 2018

Two pro-government authors recall the martyrs of the 1848-49 revolution, and call on Hungarians to defend national sovereignty in the same spirit. READ MORE

EU sanctions looming over Hungary

Monday, October 1st, 2018

As the payment procedures of EU funds to Hungary grow ever lengthier and the EU mainstream ponders withholding some of them, while an Article 7 procedure takes shape, commentators are sharply divided in their interpretations of this latest standoff between Brussels and Budapest. READ MORE