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Hungary vetoes EU condemnation of US policy on Israel

Saturday, November 23rd, 2019

A neoconservative pundit welcomes Hungary’s preliminary veto of an EU declaration condemning a recent statement by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, which recognised the Jewish settlements in the West Bank as legal. READ MORE

Hungarian nominee for EU commissioner passes EP test

Friday, November 22nd, 2019

A left-wing commentator notes with resignation that PM Orbán has had his way, as his compromise candidate for EU Enlargement Commissioner was found fit for the job by the competent (Foreign Affairs) committee of the European Parliament. READ MORE

PM Orbán defends Russia ties at press conference with Putin

Friday, November 1st, 2019

In the wake of President Putin’s visit to Budapest, commentators express diametrically opposed views on the meaning of Hungary’s co-operation with Russia. READ MORE

Hungary urges dialogue with Turkey on Kurdistan

Saturday, October 12th, 2019

As Hungary temporarily vetoed  a declaration by EU foreign Ministers warning Turkey not to invade north-eastern Syria, a conservative analyst compares the Turkish invasion to what happened to Hungary in 1956.


A left-wing take on Article 7 procedure against Hungary

Thursday, September 19th, 2019

A left-wing commentator predicts that the EU will not punish Hungary for the violation of basic democratic norms. He accuses the EU leadership of putting their political interests before the defence of core European values. READ MORE

EU partners brace themselves to punish Hungary

Wednesday, September 18th, 2019

After a rule of law hearing about Hungary in Brussels on Monday, a pro-government commentator finds it strange that Hungary and other ‘new’ member states are criticised for alleged violations of democratic values. He claims that democratic decline is more prevalent in the West than in the East of the continent. READ MORE

A middle-of-the-road view on nationalism

Tuesday, September 17th, 2019

A political analyst dismisses the arguments of both European pro-integrationists and nationalists, and claims that neither group has a credible vision of Europe and European nation-states. READ MORE

Veteran Hungarian-Austrian journalist excoriates PM Orbán

Saturday, September 14th, 2019

Paul Lendvai acknowledges the Prime Minister’s political talent but condemns his policies and accuses him of immorality and cynicism. READ MORE

Hungary’s Trócsányi to become Neighbourhood and Enlargement Commissioner

Thursday, September 12th, 2019

A conservative commentator sees Mr Trócsányi’s nomination to Enlargement Commissioner within the European Commission as a victory for Hungary. READ MORE

European Commission sues Hungary over Stop Soros legislation

Saturday, July 27th, 2019

As the European Commission takes Hungary to the EU court over a series of 2018 laws which targeted migrants and those who help them, a pro-government commentator accuses the EC of trying to force migration on the country. His left-wing counterpart thinks that Hungary is violating basic European norms. READ MORE