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Weeklies on EU recovery fund deal

Monday, July 27th, 2020

The weeklies, and the weekend editions of the dailies ponder the broader implications of the EU recovery fund and the next 7 year budget. Liberal analysts see it as a step towards a more unified Europe, while a Marxist philosopher interprets it as the end of the European dream. Conservative commentators interpret the deal as a great victory for Prime Minister Orbán. READ MORE

More debates on EU rule of law conditionality

Friday, July 24th, 2020

A centrist and a conservative analyst believe that the EU recovery fund agreement offers powerful tools for the European Council to punish countries found guilty of violating basic EU norms. READ MORE

EU recovery fund deal seen as a success for both Hungary and PM Orbán

Thursday, July 23rd, 2020

Some left-wing commentators interpret the EU recovery fund agreement as a victory for Prime Minister Orbán, and a defeat for a unified Europe. Others disagree. Pro-government columnists welcome the deal as a pragmatic compromise, and see it as a huge defeat for liberals who accused the Hungarian government of violating democratic norms. READ MORE

First reactions to the EU deal on recovery fund

Wednesday, July 22nd, 2020

A former Fidesz EU Commissioner believes that the EU agreement on the 750 billion recovery fund is a reasonable deal that offers some perks for all member states – and further strengthens the European Union itself. READ MORE

EU summit prolonged into Monday

Tuesday, July 21st, 2020

A pro-government columnist agrees with Prime Minister Orbán that Hungary stands falsely accused of violating EU norms. His left-wing counterpart likens the EU summit on recovery funds to a pathetic exercise in horse-trading. READ MORE

Doubts about the EU rescue package

Friday, July 17th, 2020

A liberal commentator believes PM Orbán will be able to sell the outcome of the EU Summit as a victory. A pro-government columnist finds the plans to spend the EU coronavirus rescue package unfair. READ MORE

More on rule of law conditionality of rescue funds

Friday, July 17th, 2020

As Parliament instructs the government to veto making access to Covid rescue funds dependent on rule of law compliance, opinions diverge sharply on the EU’s role in influencing the domestic politics of the member states.


Parliament to vote against conditioning EU rescue package on the rule of law

Tuesday, July 14th, 2020

A left-wing commentator thinks the government clearly fears being shamed by the European Union for rule of law infringements. A pro-government commentator suspects political bias behind rule of law investigations. READ MORE

Speculation on EU migration policy under the German presidency

Saturday, July 11th, 2020

A liberal commentator believes that the EU’s expected anti-immigration turn will make it difficult for the Hungarian government to continue its anti-immigrant rhetoric. A pro-government columnist finds it peculiar that liberals see the anticipated shift as a defeat for PM Orbán. A conservative analyst fears that the EU under the German presidency still wants to impose immigration on the EU.

Ethnic minority petition backed by over a million

Saturday, May 9th, 2020

A pro-government commentator condemns the Democratic Coalition as the only party in Parliament not supporting a petition demanding direct European cohesion funds for ethnic minority regions. READ MORE