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Dispute over the meaning of the ‘rule of law’

Thursday, October 15th, 2020

A conservative commentator suggests that the ‘rule of law’ is an empty concept used as a blunt weapon by liberals. A former Socialist Minister of Justice defends the concept, and accuses the government of trying to pre-empt EU criticism. READ MORE

Weeklies on rule-of-law criticism by the European Commission

Monday, October 12th, 2020

Opposition-leaning commentators believe the European Union is still too weak to enforce its rule of law criteria, while pro-government columnists dismiss criticism from Brussels as both discriminatory and biased. READ MORE

Debate over rule of law continues

Monday, October 5th, 2020

Left-wing and liberal commentators accuse the government of waging a propaganda war in its handling of EU criticism of the rule of law in Hungary. Pro-government pundits, on the other hand, think that the EU’s criticism originates from the domestic opposition, and is being used to blackmail the country. READ MORE

PM Orbán says EC Vice-President should be sacked

Friday, October 2nd, 2020

A pro-government agrees with Prime Minister Orbán that European Commission Vice-President must step down after calling Hungary an ‘ill democracy’. A left-wing pundit, on the other hand, thinks that Ms Jourová’s criticism of the government was justified. READ MORE

EU rescue fund’s rule of law conditionality watered down

Thursday, October 1st, 2020

A centrist economic analyst contends that the German proposal eases the rule of law conditionality of access to the EU coronavirus EU recovery funds. He finds it unlikely that Hungary and Poland can be punished with the suspension of their EU funding. READ MORE

PM Orbán traces his path to the 2022 elections

Tuesday, September 22nd, 2020

In a long essay in the leading pro-government daily, PM Viktor Orbán suggests that the next elections will be decisive for Hungary’s independence. His foes, he suggests, stand for submission to international liberalism. READ MORE

Moria camp arson seen as emblematic of EU impotence

Saturday, September 12th, 2020

As over 12 thousand asylum seekers sleep rough on Lesbos island after their camp burnt down on Wednesday, a pro-government commentator blames Europe’s half-hearted attitude toward mass immigration. READ MORE

Pro-government comments on German criticism of Hungary

Saturday, August 29th, 2020

Pro-government outlets suggest that German Social Democrats have a grudge against the Hungarian government. One author believes the crux of the controversy is a divergence of views on the future of Europe. READ MORE

Soros 90

Friday, August 14th, 2020

In an interview conducted in New York by Italian journalist Mario Platero for the Hungarian left-wing nationwide daily, the 90 year-old financier and supporter of liberal NGOs calls PM Orbán an opponent of European values. Pro-government commentators describe Mr Soros as a man peddling a dangerous ideology. READ MORE

Ruminations 10 days after the EU Summit

Friday, July 31st, 2020

Ten days after the next seven-year budget and the coronavirus recovery fund were adopted by heads of state and government, commentators still struggle to make sense of what exactly the decisions taken in Brussels mean for Hungary. READ MORE