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PM Orbán responds to George Soros

Friday, November 27th, 2020

Replying to an article by George Soros, the Hungarian Prime minister accuses what he calls ‘the Soros network’ of trying to eliminate national sovereignty and facilitate migration in order to create a multicultural Europe that would be ‘easy prey for global elites’. READ MORE

Hungary takes out 2.5 billion EUR loan

Wednesday, November 25th, 2020

An independent financial analyst agrees with the Prime Minister that Hungary can secure cheap loans and finance the country even without the EU reconstruction fund, which for the moment has been blocked by Hungary and Poland. READ MORE

EU measures seen as reminiscent of the Soviet Union

Tuesday, November 24th, 2020

Pro-government columnists agree with Fidesz MEP Tamás Deutsch, that the EU’s attempts to make financial disbursements conditional on resect for the ‘rule of law’ resemble Soviet attitudes. A left-wing commentator predicts that PM Orbán will have to retreat in order to get access to vital EU funding. READ MORE

No resolution in sight in clash with EU

Monday, November 23rd, 2020

Commentators ponder whether a compromise is possible in the feud pitting Hungary and Poland against the majority of the EU member countries, over plans to make Union payments to member countries conditional on rule of law compliance. READ MORE

Government’s elbowroom wears thinner as Biden prepares to take office

Saturday, November 21st, 2020

A liberal commentator suggests that Joe Biden’s electoral victory is already changing power relations in Europe – and not in favour of the Hungarian government. READ MORE

Liberal author thinks Hungary should be evicted from the EU

Friday, November 20th, 2020

A leading liberal pundit describes the Hungarian government as being an enemy of the European Union and finds it unfortunate that it cannot be expelled from the community. READ MORE

Confrontation over the rule of law seen as difficult to resolve

Thursday, November 19th, 2020

A pro-government analyst fears that through the rule of law procedures, Brussels might try to force Hungarians to give up their way of life. A left-wing commentator finds it hard for either side to back down. READ MORE

Hungary and Poland block EU budget over the rule of law controversy

Wednesday, November 18th, 2020

The former Hungarian EU Commissioner thinks Hungary is heading for a frontal collision with the Union. READ MORE

Poland and Hungary might veto the EU budget

Tuesday, November 10th, 2020

A left-wing pundit hopes that, although Hungary and Poland may block it, the EU will pass the strict law conditionality agreement tabled last week. A pro-government commentator suggests that the proposal mirrors George Soros’s ideas and is intended to punish Hungary for not letting in illegal migrants. READ MORE

EU’s weakness blamed for heightened terrorism threat

Thursday, October 29th, 2020

A left-wing pundit suggests that terrorism has become a part of life in Europe, as a result of the EU’s inability to come up with a credible migration policy. READ MORE