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LMP accused of complicity with Fidesz

Wednesday, April 16th, 2014

A fiery liberal pundit alleges that Viktor Orbán owes his two thirds majority to Hungary’s Green Party. Zsófia Mihancsik scorns a young analyst who claimed that voting LMP would help prevent the government’s two thirds majority. The analyst replies that “the old dear doesn’t understand the first thing about voters’ minds if she thinks they can be commandeered to vote for any party.” READ MORE

Two thirds majority for Fidesz confirmed

Tuesday, April 15th, 2014

The count of votes sent by mail from around the world confirmed on Saturday that the Fidesz-KDNP alliance will retain its two thirds majority in Parliament. A left-wing analysis takes it for granted that the Prime Minister will not refrain from making full use of his overwhelming power in the new National Assembly, while a right-wing analyst suggests that the victors should show moderation. READ MORE

Fears and hopes for the next four years

Monday, April 14th, 2014

Commentators wonder whether or not the next Orbán government will strike a more conciliatory tone, and seek compromises in the economy and in symbolic battles at home and on the European scene. READ MORE

Bitter reactions to lost hopes of the Left

Friday, April 11th, 2014

Left-liberal intellectuals blame the “servant mentality” of the public for the failure of the left-wing alliance parties. They suggest that Hungarians prefer the individual pursuit of self-interest to collective action against those who exploit them. A pro-government commentator, on the other hand, believes that left-wing intellectuals despise ordinary Hungarians. READ MORE

The lessons of the elections for the left

Thursday, April 10th, 2014

A left-wing columnist suggests that the Left should focus on the plight of ordinary Hungarians living in poverty, rather than on left-wing elites whose concerns are distant from the problems of those living below the subsistence level. A centrist and a conservative commentator point out that it will be very hard for the Left to shift its focus and revamp its image. READ MORE

Ruminations on electoral rules

Wednesday, April 9th, 2014

A left-wing columnist accuses the government indirectly of electoral fraud for devising a new electoral law tailor-made to favour Fidesz. The leading left-wing daily, however, also warns against blaming the defeat of the opposition on the new electoral system. A centrist analyst points out that although the new set of rules was somewhat more favourable to Fidesz than the previous ones, with the actual numbers of votes cast for its candidates, the incumbent government would have won under any democratic electoral system. READ MORE

Fidesz wins, may retain two-thirds majority

Tuesday, April 8th, 2014

Commentators across the political spectrum agree that the left has been shattered and will need to completely reinvent itself after another huge defeat. Conservative columnists maintain that the overwhelming support legitimizes all the reforms and policies introduced by the Orbán government in the past four years. READ MORE

Pre-election excitement

Monday, April 7th, 2014

One day before the elections political dailies publish passionate battle cries, pinpointing enemies which readers should not vote for under any circumstances, barring an unavoidable national tragedy. Sunday’s general election is the first in Hungary without a 48 hour a ban on campaign messages. Weeklies that mostly appear on Wednesday and Thursday took a more analytical attitude, but also made a final effort to mobilize voters. READ MORE

Sólyom’s appeal ‘vote positive’

Saturday, April 5th, 2014

An opposition commentator explores the stance taken by former President László Sólyom and claims that he defined Fidesz as one of the evils in the upcoming election. He takes it for granted that Sólyom considers the Socialist-led Left an evil, but believes that the former President now sees it as the lesser one.  READ MORE

A conservative about to vote for LMP

Wednesday, April 2nd, 2014

A conservative commentator thinks another two-thirds majority would be too much and advocates voting for LMP. READ MORE