Saturday, July 5th, 2014
Columnists wonder whether it is acceptable and reasonable for the Left to support as a candidate for mayor of Miskolc a former police chief known for his highly controversial statements about Roma crime. READ MORE
Saturday, May 31st, 2014
A left-wing analyst appreciates Attila Mesterházy’s decision to step down both as Socialist party leader and as faction leader in Parliament. He writes with disdain about one of Mesterházy’s former supporters who “stabbed him in the back”. READ MORE
Friday, May 30th, 2014
A passionate pro-government columnist who is often accused of playing extreme right-wing tunes mock Jobbik leader Gábor Vona’s claim that his radical right wing party has become Fidesz’s only challenger as a result of the European elections. READ MORE
Thursday, May 29th, 2014
A left-wing pundit calls on the Socialists and their rivals on the Left to put an end to their infighting and start preparing for the municipal elections in October. Budapest can still be won, he thinks, if nothing else. READ MORE
Tuesday, May 27th, 2014
The first analyses following the elections for the European Parliament agree that the Socialist Party was the main loser of the day. The absolute majority of Fidesz was no surprise, given the low turnout, and Jobbik was expected by most observers to come in second. But the poor showing of the MSZP was a shock for left-wingers and a cause for much schadenfreude for the Right. READ MORE
Monday, May 19th, 2014
A left-wing columnist thinks the EP election turnout next weekend will be low, as the stakes are less than clear for most Hungarians. A liberal commentator agrees, adding that the only question is whether small left-wing forces can overcome the 5 per cent hurdle. An independent analyst thinks the Hungarian campaign has little to say about Europe, but if Eurosceptic parties pick up too many votes, the two largest European parliamentary groups will have to stick together. READ MORE
Saturday, May 10th, 2014
A centrist political analyst believes that the European Parliamentary election is important primarily for the opposition parties. READ MORE
Thursday, May 8th, 2014
As the new Parliament meets for the first time after the April election, commentators wonder if the years ahead might bring reconciliation between left and right. READ MORE
Wednesday, May 7th, 2014
A conservative commentator criticizes Jobbik’s anti-EU rhetoric by pointing out that Hungary has received thousands of billion Forints in EU cohesion funds. A liberal pundit scorns left and far-right parties which demand western European wages for Hungarians. READ MORE
Tuesday, April 22nd, 2014
In their analyses on the causes of the defeat of the Left at the elections on 6th April, commentators across the political spectrum believe that there will be no left-wing alternative to the incumbent government until the far reaching lessons of two consecutive electoral catastrophes are learned. Opinions differ, however about what those lessons are. READ MORE